I live on Leyland Lane and park on the street my car has been subject to damage on more than one occasion and was involved in a crash that had my car written off, this road also has a lot of school kids crossing it and could do with extra safety measures to insure that everyone is safe and so is there property from drivers speeding down the road.
This ePetition ran from 06/02/2024 to 19/03/2024 and has now finished.
6 people signed this ePetition.
Thank you for your correspondence on behalf of the signatories of this petition who request that traffic calming be installed on Leyland Lane. We are sorry to hear of the difficulties encountered in this matter.
Speed Management is a multi-agency discipline. The county council, as the highway authority, are the responsible body for setting speed limits on the highway network. The police are responsible for the enforcement of speed limits on the highway network.
Whilst we can attempt to educate motorists to consider their speed, it is with regret that a small section of drivers and motor cyclists choose to ignore these limits and travel in excess of the prescribed speed.
Nationally traffic calming measures or other highway changes are considered and implemented in locations where the number of KSI's (Killed or Seriously Injured accidents) over a period of time is a greater cause of concern, when compared to other locations and their causation factor can be overcome.
The area already has a signalised pedestrian crossing facility and along with the low number of recorded injury collisions, the Road Safety Team will not be able to consider this area for a potential road safety scheme at this time.
We appreciate why you feel it would be beneficial for us to implement a traffic calming scheme at this location. We have reviewed your request; however, it is unfortunate that every year the number of requests we receive exceeds what we can implement.
To ensure that any new road safety measures have the greatest impact, we must focus on locations with a proven road safety issue. The good safety record means we will not be able to consider this location for road safety interventions at this time. Without diminishing the concerns for this location, we have other areas that have been prioritised for safety measures.