Issue details

Social Value Policy and Framework

The revised Social Value Policy and Framework sets out the legal context for social value and the proposed approach for the county council to deliver social value through its commissioning, procurement and contract management activities. At the centre of the social value strategy are the priorities for the county council and Lancashire 2050.


The aim of the revised policy is to focus the council's procurement activity across all service areas with a shared aim, shared ambition, shared goals and shared priorities. The revised policy will provide a structured approach to monitoring, measuring and reporting our social value achievements.


This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of Standing Order C19 have been complied with.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant effect in 2 or more electoral divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/12/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part I  -

Decision due: 8 Feb 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources, HR and Property (Deputy Leader)

Lead director: Director of Finance

Contact: Rachel Tanner Email: Tel: 01772 534904.


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