Approval is sought for the County Council to enter into a Section 106 agreement, under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in relation to Wyre Council planning application 23/00122/FULMAJ which is a full application to erect 42 dwellings at the land off Fleetwood Road North, Thornton Cleveleys.
A planning contribution of £43,276 (forty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-six pounds) is required for the following works:
a)£14,410 (fourteen thousand four hundred and ten pounds) towards the provision of improvements to the Bourne Way/Road and Fleetwood Road North signalised junction; and
b)£28,866 (twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-six pounds) towards the provision of safety improvements to Fleetwood Road North from its junction with Bourne Way/Road to its junction with Victoria Road East;
c)or any similar provision;
Authority to take this decision has been delegated under the Scheme of Delegation to Heads of Service.
It is recommended that the Director of Law and Governance is authorised to enter into a Section 106 agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with the proposed development.
Decision type: Non-key - Low
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Divisions affected: Cleveleys East;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part I -
Decision due: 13 Dec 2024 by Director of Highways and Transport
Lead director: Director of Highways and Transport
Department: Highways and Transport
Contact: John Davies Email: