Public Rights of Way and Access Forum
Contact information
Victoria Welch
Legal and Democratic Services
PO Box 100
County Hall
01772 531678
Our representatives
- County Councillor Alan Cullens BEM (Chair)
- County Councillor Stephen Clarke
- County Councillor Andrea Kay
- County Councillor Cosima Towneley
- County Councillor Shaun Turner
- Ms A Boden (Wyre Borough Council representative)
- Mr R Eckersley (Lancaster City Council representative)
- Mrs J Burton (British Horse Society representative)
- Ms C Hodgson (Countryside Land and Business Association representative)
- Brian Jones - Lancaster Ramblers Association
- Roy Chetham - Peak and Northern Footpath Society
- Mr D Kelly Ramblers Association
- James Copeland - NFU
- Mrs S Northcott (Peak and Northern Footpaths Society representative)
- Mr P Davies (British Mountain Bike Federation representative)
- Mr T Partridge (Pendle Borough Council representative)
- Ms C Peat (British Horse Society representative)
- Mr B Pratt (Green Lane Association representative)
- Graham Lampkin - Green Lane Association
- Mr D Byrne (Wyre Borough Council representative)
- Michael Prescott - Cycling UK
- Dean Spencer - Green Lane Asociation
- Neil Herbert - Lancaster Ramblers Association
- Mr Brian Dearnaley - Peak and Northern Footpath Society