Decision details

Lancashire School Term and Holiday Arrangements from 2016/17

Decision Maker: Education Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


The report was presented by Bob Stott, Director for Universal and Early Support Services, and Margaret Scrivens, Liaison and Compliance Manager, both from the Directorate for Children and Young People. It provided the background to the current school holiday arrangements and possible future arrangements, and a summary of the responses received from key groups regarding the future arrangements for the Lancashire School Term and Holidays.


The Committee was informed that since the report had been published feedback had also been received from LASSH (Lancashire Association of Secondary School Headteachers) who had indicated that their preference was for the county council to continue to provide the framework for school term and holiday arrangements from 2016/17. They had indicated a preference also for part weeks to be avoided, which could sometimes lead to children's non-attendance.


The overwhelming response to soundings taken from representative groups was for the authority to continue to provide a framework for schools.


The assumption, in cases where no response had been received, was that those parties were content that the county council continued the practice of negotiating and agreeing a framework with the recognised Teacher Associations based on the principles of the Standard School Year. Church School representatives present at the meeting concurred with this view.


Resolved: That the Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports the continued practice of Lancashire County Council negotiating and agreeing a framework with the recognised Teacher Associations and Diocesan/Church Authorities based on the principles of the Standard School Year, and that this approach be commended to all Lancashire schools. 


Date of decision: 21/10/2014

Decided at meeting: 21/10/2014 - Education Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: