Decision details

Lancashire Fairness Commission

Decision Maker: Executive Scrutiny Committee

Is Key decision?: No


Independent Lancashire Fairness Commission directed 12 recommendations at LCC to implement to increase fairness in Lancashire. This report is the response to what we can do.


The Committee considered an update on the County Council's response to the recommendations made by the independent Lancashire Fairness Commission and the ways in which the Council was working to address fairness in Lancashire. 


The Committee's attention was drawn to Appendix 'B' of the report and in particular to the section referring to the finalisation of the Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework 2016/21.  It was reported that the first paragraph of that section should have referred to an "opt-out" rather than an "opt-in" with the Big Lottery 'Building Better Opportunities'. 


It was noted that the report suggested the staging of the 'Fairness in Lancashire, One Year On' event in June 2016.  The opportunity would be taken at this event to present the corporate strategy as the County Council's strategic approach to fairness across Lancashire.  Members felt that the event should also be used to highlight successes and achievements, as well as any future risks.


The Committee acknowledged the challenges posed by increased costs and demands, as well as the worsening financial position of the County Council and across the public sector.  The ever changing picture meant that careful consideration needed to be given to ensuring that a proportional level of resource was targeted towards communities and individuals who were most in need.


Resolved:  That the recommendations set out in the report to the Cabinet be noted and that apart from the above, no additional comments or suggested alternative recommendations be made. 

Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);

Contact: Gill Milward Email: Tel: 01772 533381.

Date of decision: 12/04/2016

Decided at meeting: 12/04/2016 - Executive Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: