Decision details

Lancaster City: Application number LCC/2016/0065
The erection of solar photovoltaic panels and associated works including switchgear housing, security fencing and integral connection to Lancaster Waste Treatment Works. Lancaster Waste Water Treat

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No


A report was presented on a retrospective application for the erection of solar photovoltaic panels and associated works including switchgear housing, security fencing and integral connection to Lancaster Waste Treatment Works. Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Works, Stodday Lane, Lancaster.


The report included the views of Lancaster City Council, Natural England, the LCC Ecology Service, the LCC Highways Development Control and three letters of objection received.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint presentation showing an aerial photograph of the site and the nearest residential properties. The committee was also shown an illustration of the site layout plan and photographs of the site from various viewpoints.


The officer reported orally that mitigation measures were proposed to address the concerns of the residents at the two properties at Low Wood, located adjacent to the north east corner of the site.


The officer also reported that County Councillor Gina Dowding had advised that the installation of the panels had caused much disruption in Stodday resulting from the additional HGV's. She therefore requested that the applicant set up a fund as a local community contribution.


Officers advised that Councillor Dowding's comments were noted. However, as the traffic impacts of the development had already taken place, there was no planning justification to request a financial contribution from the applicant. Such a contribution was something that would have to be investigated outside of the planning process.


Resolved: That planning permission be Granted subject to the conditions set out in the report to the Committee.




Report author: Jonathan Haine

Date of decision: 18/01/2017

Decided at meeting: 18/01/2017 - Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: