Decision details

Local Councillor Decision - St John's Church Leyland

Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Leyland South

Status: Decision has been rejected

Is Key decision?: No


This report presents an application from a local organisation requesting £400 towards a deep clean of a baby grand piano from the Local Member Grants Scheme.


County Councillor Jayne Rear considered and rejected a Local Member Grant of to St John's Church Leyland towards the cost of a deep clean of a baby grand piano.


The reason for the rejection is because County Councillor Jayne Rear recommended that the group asked for support from the County Councillor from Leyland Central as the church was based in their division area.


Also, County Councillor Jayne Rear thought that there was a very weak link to the community benefit of cleaning a baby piano and she wished to reserve funds to support more tangible projects that would impact more people in Leyland South.

Divisions Affected: Leyland South;

Contact: Local Member Grants Email:

Date of decision: 15/04/2024

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