Issue - meetings

2017-18 to 2019-20 LEP Operational Budget

Meeting: 16/01/2017 - LEP - Performance Committee (Item 8)

2017-18 to 2019-20 LEP Operational Budget


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At this point the Performance Committee approved that the meeting move into Part II, Private and Confidential to consider the remaining item which contained exempt information provided in confidence as defined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  It was considered that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Kathryn Molloy, Head of Service for LEP Coordination, Lancashire County Council, presented a report and talked through the three tables that were included; Table 1 presented a summary of annual running costs for the LEP for 2016-17, Table 2 presented a summary of the LEP’s forecast outturn spend for 2016-17 and Table 3 showed the equivalent proposed LEP spend for 2017-18.


The tables included known work priorities, including the independent appraisal of remaining projects in Growth Deal 1, 2 and 3 (subject to Government confirmation). It was requested that a report showing the variations between Table 2 and Table 3 be produced.


It was noted that marketing costs had increased in 2016/17 and that the Committee needed to consider the contributions made to Marketing Lancashire by other public and private sector partners to ensure that the LEP’s funding, provided to the organisation to deliver strategic marketing and communications, is being delivered effectively whilst securing match funding support. A report showing this, produced by Marketing Lancashire, would be brought to the next meeting.


It was noted that officers were satisfied with the external PR and marketing support to the LEP and that they hold a list of third parties to the LEP that is reviewed regularly. SKV's contract would be brought to the Board for review before the renewal date in May.


A budget line had been identified in 2017/18 for transport related strategic case making support. It was noted that that as part of the establishment of the Lancashire Combined Authority (LCA), responsibility for transport and related governance structures will transfer and, in due course, consideration would need to be given by the LCA as to how it intends to resource local transport body related activity.  It was agreed that Mr Edwin Booth, Chair of the LEP Board, would have a discussion with the LCA regarding this.


The Committee recognised that there is a requirement to provide match funding for the £250,000 of core funding made available by Government. The Committee had previously been advised that LCC had agreed to provide cash match funding to the value of £250,000 for 2016/17 and 2017/18 only and that the additional funding includes in kind staff contributions and cash contributions to Marketing Lancashire and LEP projects. Discussions had not yet taken place with LCC about match for core funding beyond 2017/18.


Ms Ainsworth explained that the £250,000 can be drawn down in either direct cash or in kind time of staff. The in kind staff contribution could only be included for staff wholly under the direction of the LEP or Board Directors’ time on specific projects but not at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8
