Agenda and minutes

Virtual Meeting, LEP - Enterprise Zone Governance Committee - Wednesday, 31st August, 2022 12.00 pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.

Venue: Virtual Teams Meeting

Contact: Holly Tween  Tel: 01772 537955 Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Apologies had been received from Laura Sales and Paul Evans.


Declaration of Interests


The Chairman, David Holmes OBE, declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 11 due to the discussion of the Warton EZ site which fell under his area of responsibility at BAE Systems.


Resolved: no further action was necessary


Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2022 pdf icon PDF 228 KB


It was noted that Anne-Marie Parkinson had attended the previous meeting. The attendance list would be updated.


Resolved: that with the above emendation, the minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.


Matters Arising


Martin Hill, Employment and Skills Co-ordinator, LEP, gave a presentation outlining social value, noting that the framework based around the four main thematic areas had been mapped to the national themes, outcomes and measures.


He also highlighted some potential further indicators which had not been utilised up to now, especially around some of the innovations and specialisms at each Enterprise Zone, which could be added to give a better overall representation. It was suggested that these could be shown separately to the core competencies.


He outlined some projects from which detailed case studies had been developed, such as Uclan's Engineering Innovation Centre and the Penwortham Bypass.


It was commented that clearly highlighting the economic value alongside the social value would make the importance and benefits more immediately obvious.


It was agreed that Martin and Anne-Marie should consider how to present the measures in the 12 core areas identified, in the context of the review of all the KPIs and the review document of the Enterprise Zones, and report back to the Committee in November for review. If the leads of the four zones were in agreement at this meeting, it could be recommended to capture social and economic value using these measurements for the next year, to be reviewed at the November 2023 Committee meeting.


Resolved: the Enterprise Zone Governance Committee agreed that:


i.  The update be noted

ii.  The slide pack be circulated to the Committee

iii.  A report presenting the social value measures be taken to the Committee meeting on 17 November for review


Reporting to Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Board


No items were identified.


Any Other Business




Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Enterprise Zone Governance Committee will take place at 12 noon on Thursday 17 November 2022.


The next meeting of the Enterprise Zone Governance Committee was scheduled for 12.00 noon on 17 November 2022 as a virtual meeting.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Committee is asked to consider whether, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, it considers that the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that there would be a likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as indicated against the heading to the item.


Resolved: that the meeting move into Part II, Private and Confidential, to consider the remaining reports as they contained information defined as confidential or exempt in accordance with the relevant paragraph of Part I to schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as set out in the report. It was considered that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone: Progress Report


Rob Green, Head of Enterprise Zones, Blackpool Council presented a private and confidential report which provided the committee with an update on the Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone.


The report included updates on activity since the last meeting, including achievements to date, KPIs and milestones, risks and actions, an update on the masterplan and delivery plan, project management, fiscal incentives, current activity, the Town Deal, Squires Gate Industrial Estate, planning applications, communications infrastructure, marketing, Blackpool Airport and the risk register.


It was highlighted that since the report had been circulated there had been a delay on the outline planning application for the new Highways, which would now be presented to the Blackpool planning committee in October, rather than September.


It was noted that the Marketing Manager from the project team had moved roles, and recruitment was underway.


There was a discussion around the marketing strategy across the EZ sites, and the need to quickly ensure the website was up to date, the branding was updated, and that there was a clear strategy in place. It was further suggested that the website structure be simple, and easy to use and update.


It was agreed that Rob Green and Chris Dyson would work together with Colliers and Marketing Lancashire to ensure the website and signage were updated directly. Anne-Marie Parkinson agreed to take the lead, working with partners, on producing a broader multiple-year marketing strategy, with a view to the final marketing strategy being signed off by the committee before the end of the year. An update on progress to date, and steps to compete the strategy by the end of the year, is to be circulated to the Committee well in advance of the next meeting, to allow a period of feedback and response, which will inform a full report to the next meeting. 


Resolved: the Enterprise Zone Management Board agreed that:


i.  The report and verbal update was noted

ii.  Rob Green and Chris Dyson work with Colliers and Marketing Lancashire to update the website and signage directly

iii.  Anne-Marie Parkinson to produce an update on marketing progress to date and steps to complete the strategy, and circulate to the Committee for comment before the next meeting

iv.  An item be placed on the next meeting agenda to review the marketing strategy


Hillhouse Enterprise Zone: Progress Report


Rob Green, Head of Enterprise Zones, Blackpool Council presented a private and confidential report which provided the committee with an update on the Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone.


The report included updates on activity since the last meeting, including achievements to date, KPIs and milestones, risks and actions, an update on the delivery plan, the Getting Building Fund, residential development, the Fleetwood/Poulton Rail Line, marketing, the Hydrogen Steering Group, the Vinnolit site, new onsite companies and job creation. 


It was highlighted that there may be a slight delay in completing the new Gate House under the Getting Building Fund, and the expected November date may slip.


Feedback from the Department for Transport was still awaited for the Fleetwood-Poulton railway line; progress was being chased. It was noted that Wyre Borough Council (the accountable body) had created a fund of around £150,000 to support overarching surveys of the site which would help produce a transport strategy, a flood risk strategy and an ecological strategy. This work had begun with a topographical survey of the site.


Resolved: that the report and verbal update was noted.




Samlesbury and Warton Enterprise Zones: Progress Report


Chris Dyson, Strategic Development Programme Manager, Lancashire County Council presented a private and confidential report which provided the committee with an update on the Samlesbury Aerospace and Warton Aviation Enterprise Zones.


Regarding the Samlesbury site, the report included an update on the site delivery programme for phases 2a and 2b, an update on planning, commercial marketing agents, ancillary accommodation, communications, skills and the low carbon feasibility study.


The foul water drainage was highlighted, with the advanced designed already commenced and construction works programmed to begin later in the year.


Attention was drawn to the Local Development Order on the site, which runs until 2024. It was noted that the team were preparing a replacement Local Development Order which would be in place when the 2024 Order expired. The proposed replacement would consider progress on the site to date and would look to support current, key and emerging sectors alongside anticipated uses going forward together including amenity, environmental and low-carbon reduction opportunities.


The AMRC site was discussed, and the Committee expressed a desire to understand any aspirations for the AMRC to extend further into the Enterprise Zone Site. Steve Burns reported that meetings were in progress with the AMRC to understand any future opportunities. It was noted that there were offers of support from Committee members.


Anne-Marie Parkinson gave an update on the current procurement process to commission a concept document for the development of an Enterprise Innovation Centre at Samlesbury EZ. A contract with a consultancy company would be secured shortly to progress the concept document, with an update provided at the next meeting.  It was agreed that the list of parties proposed for engagement in the consultancy be shared for the Committee's input.


Regarding the Warton site, the circulated written report was presented. Rick Prosser and Hannah Swindell from BAE Systems gave a presentation on potential opportunities at the Warton site. It was requested that Andy Walker lead the team on developing a range of intervention and opportunities, which could potentially lead to a business plan being considered.


Resolved: the Enterprise Zone Governance Committee agreed that:


i.  The report and verbal update and the progress made on the delivery of the Samlesbury Enterprise Zone be noted

ii.  The list of parties suggested for consultation on the Enterprise Innovation Centre be circulated to the Committee for comment

iii.  A list of intervention opportunities be developed for the Warton site