Agenda item

SACRE membership


A report on membership was tabled at the meeting.  It was noted that any discussion on membership should be based on the statutory requirements set out in the Education Act 1986 and the government 'non statutory' guidance of 2010 which identified the four representative groups as being:


A.  Christian and other religions and denominations which appropriately reflect the principal religious traditions in the area

B.  The Church of England

C.  Associations Representing Teachers

D.  Representatives of the Local Authority


The size and membership of each group was determined locally and with each group having one vote.  Lancashire SACRE also appointed a further group of non-voting co-opted members and a number of 'Observers.'  Group D appointments are made by the County Council's Cabinet and all other appointments are made by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools.  Any change to the membership would entail a change to the SACRE's constitution.


A number of criteria were suggested in the report for membership of Group A.


1.  Major world religions – must be represented regardless of their local significance

2.  Religions of local significance – which should reflect broadly the proportionate strength of the denomination or religion in the area – with census data as a starting point

3.  A commitment to the aims and objectives of SACRE – demonstrated through previous engagement with the SACRE or with the teaching of RE and support for schools


Members noted that when assessing an application to join Group A, a place should be awarded to a religion or denomination and not to an individual


Changes to Group B, it was reported should only be considered if requested by the Church of England


Changes to Group C should only be considered if there was a change in the number of associations representing teachers in Lancashire


Changes to Group D the report stated should only be considered given any changes made to the numbers making up the other groups to ensure a continued approximate equivalency in numbers.


The five Co-opted non-voting members on the SACRE were appointed by the SACRE itself and were representatives from school and educational backgrounds.  Changes could be made to the constitution to allow for more co-opted members but there would have to be a compelling reason for doing so.


Observers appointed by the SACRE have full speaking rights at committee but cannot participate in any vote and currently included one representative from Paganism and the Bahai faith.  In September 2006, the SACRE had agreed to award a place as an Observer to the British Humanist Association but this was not currently being taken up.  Prospective Observers were requested to make a presentation to the SACRE explaining about the belief or faith they represent and how they would support the aims of the SACRE.


Currently membership changes arose in two ways


1.  Unsolicited applications:  

·  Religions or denominations might request to join Group A but would have to satisfy the criteria set out

·  Any group might apply to join as an Observer and it was suggested that Observer status be offered first to enable the group concerned, even if a religious group applying to join Group A, to demonstrate a commitment to the SACRE and its aims


2. SACRE itself might identify a skills gap and seek to fill through recruitment. In this case the SACRE should seek to appoint a co-opted member


It was suggested that a third way of considering membership be introduced via a general review of membership every four years post county council elections, to consider all types of membership and allocation of seats.


In considering membership, it was suggested that a clear sight of the purpose, aims and objectives of SACRE be maintained to support schools and teachers in delivering excellent RE in line with the agreed syllabus in authority maintained schools.


Members considered an application from a representative of the British Humanist Association (BHA) to join the SACRE as a co-opted member and two applications to join Group A from the current Observer representatives of Paganism and the Bahai faith respectively.


After much discussion both for and against the three applications, members agreed to reconfirm the offer made to the British Humanist Association at the meeting of SACRE on 25 September 2006 to attend meetings in the capacity of Observer and then divided into the four groups to consider the remaining two applications with regard to the criteria set out in the report.


Members voted on the application from the Observer representative of Paganism to be granted membership of Group A as follows:


Group A  Against

Group B  Against

Group C  For

Group D  For


With the resultant tied vote, it was confirmed that precedent and protocol required that the status quo be maintained.


Members voted on the application from the Observer representative of the Bahai faith to be granted membership of Group A as follows:


Group A  Against

Group B  Against

Group C   Against

Group D  Against


Members wished it to be noted that the results of the vote were in no way a reflection of the excellent work done in support of the SACRE by the two Observer members. 


RESOLVED:    That:


  i.  The principles set out in the report be agreed as the basis for any future consideration of changes to membership of the SACRE.

  ii.  A member of the British Humanist Association should not be co-opted onto the SACRE but that the offer to attend meetings of the SACRE in the capacity of Observer be re-confirmed.


  1. A representative of Paganism should not be granted membership of Group A


  1. A representative of the Bahai faith should not be granted membership of Group A.


Supporting documents: