Agenda item

Lancaster City: Application number. LCC/2014/0085
Four single storey extensions to provide 6 additional classrooms and extra resource areas, extension to the existing secondary car park to provide an additional 16 spaces and associated lighting columns, alteration of two windows to fire exits, re-alignment of 2.4 metre high rear boundary fencing and external works consisting of landscaping and disabled access paths, steps and ramps and temporary fenced contractor's compound and associated access. Moorside County Primary School, Bowerham Road, Lancaster.


A report was presented on an application for four single storey extensions to provide 6 additional classrooms and extra resource areas, an extension to the existing secondary car park to provide an additional 16 spaces and associated lighting columns, the alteration of two windows to fire exits, the re-alignment of 2.4 metre high rear boundary fencing and external works consisting of landscaping and disabled access paths, steps and ramps and, temporary fenced contractor's compound and associated access at Moorside County Primary School, Bowerham Road, Lancaster.


Jonathan Haine, Development Management Officer, presented a PowerPoint presentation and reported orally that the County Council's Developer Support (Highways) had objected to the development on the basis that the extension to the school would have a detrimental impact on the local highway network which would not be mitigated by the proposed mitigation measures as they currently stand. The increase in the size of the school from 420 pupils to approximately 600 would increase car movements at drop off and pick up times together with additional staff car movements. The additional pupils were likely to live further from the school than those currently at the school and therefore were more likely to be brought to the school by car. The additional traffic and parking on Bowerham Road would increase congestion and risks to pedestrians crossing the road. A number of issues were raised regarding car parking and pedestrian crossing facilities and the ability to undertake improvements.


The views of Lancaster City Council were also reported. The council supported the principle of the development subject to conditions relating to contaminated land, protection of trees and controls on hours of construction work.


The committee was advised that the applicant had submitted additional information relating to the need for additional school places and that the statutory duty of the County Council was to ensure that school places were available for children. It was explained that higher birth rates in Lancaster combined with the prospect of new housing developments had led to a forecast need for new primary school places in Lancaster. The forecast predicted a long term increase in the demand for school places which should be met by permanent accommodation rather than by temporary provision. In choosing Moorside as a site for expansion a number of factors had been considered including the current strength of the school, parental preference, existing school size, availability of space to extend school buildings and access and proximity to future growth areas. These factors had led to the decision to expand Moorside Primary.


The comments of highways were noted particularly with regard to the requirement to undertake improvements to alleviate the highway impacts. To allow time to investigate such improvements, it was considered that the application should be deferred and that Members should also visit the site in advance of the application being reported to the September 3rd meeting.


It was therefore Moved and Seconded that "the application be deferred and that the committee visit the site in advance of the application being reported to the next meeting of the committee on 3 September 2014".


On being put to the vote the Motion was Carried whereupon it was:


Resolved: That the application be deferred and that the committee visit the site in advance of the application being reported to the next meeting of the committee on 3 September 2014.

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