Agenda item

A summary of the provisional results at the end of Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 at Lancashire and District level.


The report, presented by Jonathan Hewitt, Head of Quality and Continuous Improvement, Directorate for Children and Young People, set out the overall attainment in Lancashire schools at the end of Key Stages 2 and 4 in 2014. It was based on provisional data which had not yet been validated. The results had been analysed at District level and showed progress over the past three years.


Jonathan explained in some detail the difficulties that would result from changes to the reporting arrangements made by the Department for Education (DfE); first entry exam results rather than best entry results would be used in performance tables in future. This could result in significant changes to some schools, not just those facing challenging circumstances. Ofqual (the Office of Qualifications and Examinations) had already written to schools warning of substantial changes in their performance data. It was expected that both measures (first entry and best entry) would be used in the published data to enable comparison with previous years and that Lancashire's position would be in line with the trend nationally.


The Committee was assured that much work was ongoing with low attaining schools to ensure that action plans were in place to tackle issues, and there was particular focus on certain groups of young people including those in receipt of free school meals.


Members raised a number of comments and questions and the main points arising during the discussion are summarised below:


·  It was confirmed that schools which had hitherto entered students into exams during the Autumn term might well now change their exam entry policy in order to achieve the best possible outcome for themselves in the performance league tables.

·  In response to a question about the county council's ability to continue to support low attainingschools, the Committee was assured that Lancashire County Council had a strong support system based on a traditional model, which neighbouring authorities also recognised was highly successful and which they were keen to use. There was confidence that the county council's improvement services were robust.

·  It was considered most important that focus continued on the achievements of children and young people in receipt of free school meals. The Committee was informed that indications were that results were improving and that the gap between those in receipt of free school meals and others was narrowing. Whilst the results reflected a positive picture there was still much work to do. The Committee had considered the report of the Pupil Premium and Attainment Task Group at its last meeting in July and it had been agreed to regard the report as a 'living' document; the Cabinet Member's final response to the task group's recommendations would be presented at the next meeting in March 2015 and there would be an opportunity to consider this specific issue further at that point.

·  It was confirmed that schools had been forewarned about the new reporting arrangements for exam results, however Key Stage 2 courses tended to be 2 – 3 years in duration and at the time of notification young people will have already been part way through their courses. Governing bodies had faced a difficult decision regarding the best approach to take, for their pupils or for their position in the league tables.

·  There was some concern that young people were not accessing mental health services, especially in the east of the county. It was explained that analysis was difficult given the linkages to other factors such as domestic violence. More detailed analysis would be possible by early 2015 which would provide a clearer picture and enable support to be targeted to families most at risk.

·  The Committee was informed that primary schools were responding well to changes in the curriculum and there was a clear understanding of the high expectations for 11 year olds. Currently a high proportion of children at KS2 were achieving a good level 4.

·  Information about results for Children Looked After would be provided to this Committee after it had been shared with the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Board. It was noted that there was a related item listed on the work plan for the next meeting of this Committee in March 2015.

·  Details about validated data for individual schools or groups of schools could be discussed with individual members outside this meeting on request. A web link to validated data would be provided when available via which members would be able to access much information.



Resolved: That,


  i.  Officers be thanked for all their work around attainment in Lancashire schools.


  ii.  Validated data relating to Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 attainment be sent, via a link, to members of this Committee when available;


  iii.  A further report on validated Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 attainment be provided to this Committee at its next meeting in March.


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