Agenda item

Fylde Borough: Application Number LCC/2014/0104
New salt dome to store rock salt, extensions to existing vehicle storage units
to create four new garage units and additional landscaping. LCC Highways
Depot, Grange Road, Singleton.


A report was presented on an application for a new salt dome to store rock salt, extensions to existing vehicle storage units to create four new garage units and additional landscaping at the LCC Highways Depot, Grange Road, Singleton.


The report included the views of Fylde Borough Council, the County Council's Assistant Director (Highways) and the Environment Agency.


The development management officer presented a PowerPoint presentation showing an aerial view of the existing site, an illustration showing the elevations of the salt dome and landscaped screening together with a photomontage of the salt dome as viewed form the north, the west and the A585. The committee was also shown photographs of the existing site, the existing storage units and an illustration showing the elevations of extensions to the existing storage units.


The officer reported orally that the County Council's Specialist Advisor (Ecology, Landscaping and Lighting) had raised no objection to the proposals but had made the following comments:


·  Swallows were nesting within the application area. It was therefore advised that the applicant would need to be aware that nesting birds, their nests and eggs were protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and impacts on nesting birds therefore needed to be avoided.


·  Landscaping – no objection was raised to the applicant's intention for further tree planting to screen the development. It was normally recommended that planting comprised locally appropriate native species but, in this instance, it was acknowledged that salt pollution was a constraint to this and therefore it was considered that the proposed species were appropriate. In addition to the screen planting to the eastern (Fleetwood Road) boundary it was advised that it would seem appropriate to also screen the development on the western (field) boundary.


·  It was acknowledged that the site caused a prodigious amount of light pollution in this area and, whilst that may unavoidable given the nature of the site, it was felt that it would be appropriate to avoid further light pollution and perhaps to explore options to reduce the light pollution/ light spill into surrounding farmed land and trees/ woodland, etc.


In response to the above the committee was advised that:


·  a note had been included to make provision for the protection of nesting birds.


·  Condition 3 requires the submission of a landscaping scheme for the screening of the site. The landscaping proposals contained within the depot extension application would also provide screening for the salt dome.



·  Condition 7 requires that no additional lighting shall be erected unless details have first been submitted and approved which would address the comments raised by Ecology.


Following debate and in response to concerns raised by the Members in relation to light pollution, it was agreed that Condition 7 be amended as follows:


'7.  No additional or relocated lighting shall be erected to illuminate the salt dome unless the details of such lighting including the position, direction and design of such lighting has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Transport and Environment.


Any additional lighting shall thereafter be erected and operated in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To minimise light spill beyond the site boundary to the surrounding rural area and to safeguard the amenity of the area and to conform with Policy EP28 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan.'


Resolved: That planning permission be Granted subject to the conditions set out in the report to the committee and the inclusion of the amended condition as set out above.

Supporting documents: