Agenda item

Draft Development Plan 2015/16


The board was asked to discuss the priorities of the Development Plan in groups.


Priority 1 – Members were informed of an issue under Objective D, whereby the monitoring of Primary schools' achievements was trickier due to the process of gathering information. Some teachers felt accessing the information on the SACRE website was difficult, and primary teachers currently need more time to carry out their analyses of results.


Priority 2 – The board discussed succession planning and asked if teachers had sources who could share any exemplification material with the SACRE – it was confirmed that this would be possible but not at present, due to capacity. With regards to Objective A, members asked if the password to access the Agreed Syllabus could be provided on Portal for teachers; The Board was made aware that the feedback from teachers on the website was generally positive, with the only issue remaining as the website being difficult to navigate.


The board was asked how feedback on the website would be collected, and an issue on the back of Objective D concerned the benefit and usefulness of visits to schools when schools don't use them to their full potential.


Priority 3 – Issues were raised on the provision of Collective Worship; it was uncertain if training had been issued to teachers, but members felt this could be looked at once the Syllabus has been reviewed. Another issue was the confusion between Collective Worship and RE.


The board was advised that the Diocesan Education Officer would be a useful resource when it came to visits and training for teachers.


Priority 5 – Members discussed that there was no mention of supporting inter-faith groups and other associations, which would prove difficult to develop contribution towards Community Cohesion – members asked if there should be more activity regarding contact with religious groups.


Members debated that teachers were in need of further guidance, but as the national direction changes the problems remain for schools and communities – one such problem, it was said, was the confusion children and teachers both faced when talking about religion. The board agreed that the essence of Community Cohesion should ideally start from the ground up when considered by the governing bodies of schools.




1.  The following actions be carried out per priority of the Development Plan:

a.  Priority 1

  i.  That a reminder be sent out to primary teachers for the collection and collation of results alongside a specified, additional length of time

b.  Priority 2

  i.  That succession planning be discussed and considered for raising achievement in RE.

  ii.  That the latest NASACRE report be considered for adding to the SACRE website for teachers to view.

  iii.  That an invitation be provided to Afrasiab Anwar for the next meeting of the Quality and Standards Sub-group.

c.  Priority 3

  i.  That Collective Worship be considered for moving up the list as a priority.

d.  Priority 5

  i.  That the contribution of RE to Community Cohesion continues to be developed, whilst encouraging inter-faith groups to take part.

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