Agenda item

Rossendale Borough: application number LCC/2015/0106
Demolition of existing crematorium, office building and stable block and replacement with new crematorium building at Rossendale Pet Crematorium, Co-operation Street, Crawshawbooth


A report was presented on an application for the demolition of the existing crematorium, office building and stable block and replacement with new crematorium building at Rossendale Pet Crematorium, Co-operation Street, Crawshawbooth.


The report included the views of Rossendale Borough Council, the Council's Developer Support (Highways) and Ecology Service, the Environment Agency, the Coal Authority, Natural England, the lead Local Flood Authority and details of one letter of representation received.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint presentation which included an aerial photograph of the site and the nearest residential properties. The Committee was also shown a site location plan, illustrations of the proposed building and photographs of the site from several viewpoints.


It was reported orally that the applicant had submitted a bat survey to seek to address the recommended reason for refusal in relation to bats.  However, the survey identified that further investigation would be required to reasonably demonstrate the presence/absence of bats.  It was further reported that where there is a likelihood of protected species being present and affected, surveys should be complete, and mitigation in place through planning condition/ obligation, prior to determination of the application.  The committee was advised that without this further survey work, the reasons for refusal remained the same as set out in the committee report.


It was also reported that one additional representation had been received raising the same issues to those referred to in the committee report.


County Councillor Alyson Barnes, the local Member for the area, addressed the Committee.  Councillor Barnes felt that the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the area and on the local countryside; would be highly visible in the area despite attempts to mitigate it; would be detrimental to residential amenity; and was inappropriate in an open countryside location. She also pointed out that it was also contrary to the Local Plan.


A representative of CBS UK Ltd spoke on behalf of the applicant and raised the following summarised points in support of the application:


·  Cemeteries and crematoriums were generally located outside of the urban boundary so this should not be a reason for refusal;

·  The development would create a further 9 jobs;

·  The proposed development was in keeping with other buildings in the area and the designs materials were comparable with a barn at nearby farm;

·  The applicant would be happy to carry out further bat surveys;

·  The proposal would result in higher environmental standards;

·  It was not feasible to relocate the crematorium to an industrial area;

·  The LCC Highways officer and the borough council's Environment Health Officer had raised no objection to the proposal. 



During lengthy debate during which arguments both for and against the application were put, it was Moved and Seconded:


"That planning permission be granted subject to a further bat survey".


On being put to the vote the Motion was Lost.


Following further debate and advice from officers with regard to the bat survey it was:


Resolved:- That planning permission be refused for the reasons set out in the report to the committee. 




Supporting documents: