Agenda item

Development Plan - Group Task

Following documents attached:

NASACRE Guidance


Current Development Plan.



SACRE members split into 5 groups; each group evaluated progress against one target in the development plan. The NASACRE RE tool was also used to benchmark current performance. 

Group 1: Promoting improvement in standards, the quality of teaching and provision in RE (Lancashire SACRE Development Plan priority 2).

The following points were reported back:

·  It was questioned how robust the data collection process was, for example only 24% of secondary schools submitted data in 2015.

·  In regard to primary schools removal of levels was discussed, what system would be used to gather the information?

·  It was felt there was a need for a full time consultants who could provide support to teachers.

·  How could RE subject leaders who didn’t attend network meetings or training be supported?

·  It was felt that the quality of agreed syllabus was very good, support needed to be provided to NQT's, PPA cover and those new to the RE subject leader role.

·  Examples of good practice for teachers were felt to be important.

·  It was questioned whether Lancashire had enough RE specialists?

·  In terms of academies it was questioned how we knew what was being taught and about the quality and standards.

·  Quality Mark – how do we promote this?

·  Website hits – perhaps this could be a standing item on the agenda once the new website had been launched following the November conference.

·  CPD for subject leaders, not just those new to RE.


Group 2: Evaluating the effectiveness of the Locally Agreed Syllabus (Lancashire SACRE Development Plan Priority 6). The following points were reported back:

·  SACRE to review agreed syllabus and keep in line with county objectives

·  Improved data returns from individual schools showing improved Outcomes. It was mentioned that an RE conference was booked for the 10 November which would hopefully continue to raise areas for development

·  SACRE Website to be kept up to date with enhanced access for schools.

·  Different ways of communicating could be looked into such as social media. An updated website would enhance access to sites such as Twitter.

·  Consideration to be given to the people outside of Lancashire who were interested in buying the syllabus.

·  Collection of pupil data in the future would be crucial to future evaluation and teacher feedback.


Group 3: Promoting improvement in the provision and quality of collective worship (Lancashire SACRE Development Plan priority 3).

The following points were reported back:

·  Mirrors & Doors, could be promoted through network meetings and by developing new materials.

·  Clarity needed to be sought about determination and training about what might happen in the event of a request for disapplication.

·  Refocusing the role of Youth Voice

·  Monitoring arrangements for collective worship?

·  Are governing bodies aware that they can complain to SACRE if need be?


Group 4: Managing the SACRE and building the partnership between the SACRE, the LA and the other key stakeholders (Lancashire SACRE Development Plan priorities 1 & 4). The following points were reported back:

·  The attendance from membership faiths to meetings of the SACRE was discussed.

·  There was work to be done on the induction of new members to SACRE

·  There was a need for a greater understanding of the wider objectives of the LA and possibly more networking opportunities within meetings to discuss this with representatives.

·  It would be helpful to re-kindle the 'who am I' sessions

·  Consideration of SACRE meetings to take place at other venues

·  It was noted there were few academies in Lancashire at the moment but this could change in future.


Group 5: Contributing to cohesion across the community and the promotion of social and racial harmony (Lancashire SACRE Development Plan priority 5). The following points were reported back:

·  There were established members of the SCARE from all faiths, however there was an issue with attendance.

·  Community champions are members of SACRE who fully understand and engage with the agenda.

·  SACRE's role with the wider LA required a more coordinated approach.

·  It was questioned whether the role of the faith coordinator was being promoted successfully.

·  Increasing the number of schools by engaging in assemblies, lessons, and training or culture days.

Supporting documents: