Agenda item

Preston City: Application number LCC/2017/0017
Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission LCC/2015/0070 to remove reference to obsolete drawings, and to extend the hours of working of the pre-shredder to between 0700 to 2130 hours, Mondays to Fridays, 0800 to 1830 hours on Saturdays, and 0900 to 1700 hours on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Recycling Lives, Longridge Road, Preston


A report was presented on the variation of conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission LCC/2015/0070 to remove reference to obsolete drawings, and to extend the hours of working of the pre-shredder to between 0700 to 2130 hours, Mondays to Fridays, 0800 to 1830 hours on Saturdays, and 0900 to 1700 hours on Sundays and Bank Holidays at Recycling Lives, Longridge Road, Preston.


The report included the views of Preston City Council, Grimsargh Parish Council, the County Council's Highways Developer Support, the Environment Agency and details of ten letters of representation received including one from County Councillor George Wilkins and one from Preston City Councillor Neil Cartwright.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint presentation which included an aerial photograph of the site and the nearest residential properties. The committee was also shown a site layout plan and photographs of the pre-shredder and fragmentiser on the site.


The Officer recommendation  was for the hours of operation of the pre-shredder to be limited to between 0700 to 2000 hours, Mondays to Fridays, 0800 to 1400 hours on Saturdays, with no operation on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


The Officer reported orally that the applicant had made a number of comments in relation to the recommendation. These and the Officer's advice in relation to such, were set out in the Update Sheet circulated at the meeting (copy set out at Annex A to the Minute Book and published as a supplementary report to the agenda).


The agent for the applicant and the applicant's noise consultant addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.


The agent advised of the applicant's charitable status and asked for this to be taken into account given the social benefits brought by the company were linked to the success of the application. The agent also advised that the application was compliant with national planning policies and that mitigation measures had been introduced in the form of acoustic cladding to the fragmentiser.


The applicant's noise consultant disputed the officer findings set out in the committee report.  He advised of the results of the applicant's noise survey which had concluded that there would be no impact from the operation of the pre-shredder, even if a correction were to be applied for any tonal or impulsive noise characteristic.


Following questions to the officers with regard to the pre-shedder, the proximity of the nearest residential properties and the responsible body for enforcement, it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The hours of working of the pre-shredder be extended to between 0700 to 2000 hours, Mondays to Fridays and 0800 to 1730 hours on Saturdays, with no working on Sundays and Bank Holidays".


On being put to the vote the amendment was Carried, whereupon it was:


Resolved: That planning permission be Granted subject to the conditions set out in the report to the committee and to an amendment to condition 2 to extend the hours of working of the pre-shredder to between 0700 to 2000 hours, Mondays to Fridays and 0800 to 1730 hours on Saturdays, with no operation on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Supporting documents: