Agenda item

South Ribble Borough: application number LCC/2017/0001
Construction of a new highway consisting of Penwortham Bypass (1.3 km long dual carriageway) together with temporary soil storage and contractor areas, acoustic fencing, the relocation of school playing fields, combined cycle-track connecting to Howick Moor Lane, water attenuation pond, landscape and ecological mitigation areas on land from the A582 Broad Oak roundabout to the A59 between Howick C of E Primary School and Blackhurst Cottages, Penwortham, Preston.


A report was presented on the construction of a new highway consisting of Penwortham Bypass (1.3 km long dual carriageway) together with temporary soil storage and contractor areas, acoustic fencing, the relocation of school playing fields, combined cycle-track connecting to Howick Moor Lane, water attenuation pond, landscape and ecological mitigation areas on land from the A582 Broad Oak roundabout to the A59 between Howick C of E Primary School and Blackhurst Cottages, Penwortham, Preston.


It was reported that the application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement and Non-Technical Summary under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011.


The Committee visited the site on Monday 11 September 2017.


The report included the views of Hutton Parish Council, Penwortham Town Council, the County Ecology Service, the Environment Agency, the County Council's Highways Development Control, National Grid, the County Archaeology Service, Natural England, Sport England, the Lead Local Flood Authority and details of 20 letters of representation received.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint presentation showing an aerial photograph of the site and the nearest residential properties. The Committee was also shown illustrations of the proposed road layout plans, landscaping and acoustic fencing together with photographs of the site from various viewpoints.


The Officer reported that the following drawings referred to in Condition 3 and 19:


Drawing no.  CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev H (sheet 1) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.

Drawing no. CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev H (Sheet 2) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.

Drawing no. CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev H (sheet 3) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.


Should be replaced by the following drawings to account for an error regarding sports pitch fencing heights:


Drawing no.  CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev J (sheet 1) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.

Drawing no. CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev J (Sheet 2) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.

Drawing no. CLM03-DEV-010-24, Rev J (sheet 3) - Proposed Environmental Masterplan.


Mr Herbert, a local resident, addressed the Committee and objected to the proposal.  He informed the Committee that the new highway would increase traffic noise and vibration for residents whose properties back onto the A582 and called for an acoustic noise barrier to be installed behind the houses affected on Wingates, Hill Road South, Corncroft and Farfield. It was pointed out that acoustic noise barriers were proposed for properties on Moorbrook Way which were a greater distance from the road.  Mr Herbert maintained that during the consultation period, residents had been assured that quiet road surfacing would be laid along this stretch of road however, this was not the case. The road had been resurfaced but not with the materials previously proposed and this had resulted in residents experiencing even higher noise levels.


Councillor Hancock, spoke on behalf of Penwortham Town Council and reiterated the concerns set out in the committee report with regard to the loss of the protected Green Belt, the impact on the flood plain, the lack of parking provision for visitors to the sports pitches and the removal of the true route of the numbered footpaths FP38 and FP63. The Town Council also felt that the County Council should look again at the blue route in preference to the brown route which would bring further traffic movements and the associated noise and air pollution closer to the residential properties and the nearby school.  It was pointed out that there were no noise attenuation measures proposed to protect the primary school and the residential properties identified by Mr Herbert above. It was also maintained that the sports pitches were a new addition to the scheme and should therefore be the subject of a separate planning application.


County Councillor Howarth, the electoral division member for the area, addressed the Committee and made the following summarised comments:


·  The by-pass would only provide the desired outcome with a corresponding proposal to build a road link across the River Ribble. This would take traffic away from the A59 and to the motorway and Lea.

·  In order to reduce traffic noise, the whole length of the highway from Howick to Middleforth should be reduced to 50 mph.

·  Consideration should also be given to the speed limits on adjoining roads and in particular Lindle Lane which for safety reasons, should be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

·  Noise attenuation measures should also be available to residents whose properties back onto the A582 on Wingates, Hill Road South, Corncroft and Farfield.

·  A noise reducing surface should be used on the full length of the new highway.

·  Adequate fencing should be installed at the Broadoak roundabout to protect pedestrians walking from Bank Top Road to the Booths Store.

·  Modifications should be made to the T junction at Liverpool Rd/Leyland Road to ensure that east - west traffic is routed back onto the by-pass.


The officer responded to the issues raised in the presentations and referred members to the advice provided in the Committee report.  In respect of the noise issues raised, the officer advised that the noise assessment had been based on standard asphalt and that the resurfacing of the road on the A582 as identified by Mr Herbert above, was not deemed necessary or practical as it would require the complete reconstruction of the road. In respect of the flood plain, members were advised that the area was not in the flood zone and that the Environment Agency had raised no objection, subject to conditions relating to flood risk measures. The Officer advised that the proposed sports pitches were a 'like for like' replacement rather than a new development.


Following further debate, Members suggested that Cllr Howarth's advice above, should be taken into account when officers finalise the details of the scheme. 


Resolved: That, after first taking into consideration the environmental information, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011, and subject to the Secretary of State not calling in the application for determination, planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report to the Committee.



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