Agenda item

Participation Team Update

Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council), April Rankin and Adam Riley, Participation Team, Child and Family Wellbeing Service, LCC


To receive an update on what the Participation Team have been doing with LINX since the last Board meeting.


Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council), April Rankin and Adam Riley, Participation Team, Child and Family Wellbeing Service, Lancashire County Council gave a presentation on recruitment events, issues young people are passionate about and the young people's CPB meeting in July.


The Board were informed that April Rankin and Adam Riley have worked with team managers from the Children in our Care (CIOC) and Leaving Care Services on two events in May to share with those teams what participation is and to recruit new young people to the groups.  The event was delivered to over 80 social workers on 4 May 2022 and actively engaged in discussions on barriers around young people participating and how these could be overcome.


Details of some of the barriers received were:


·  Young people not wanting to attend due to the 'label' of it being for children in care.  A suggestion was to use the same language and use the LINX term for the group.

·  Ensure that young people receive feedback from sessions they have been involved with and if changes have been made following young people's input make sure they know what those changes looks like, so they do not feel like they have wasted their time in those discussions, or if no changes are to be made, then feedback as to why those changes cannot be made.


It was noted that feedback had been received on how best to promote the groups and that coloured flyers would be delivered to social workers so they can distribute these to new children and young people when they come into care.  There is also more flexibility of youth workers, in that they can set up initial introductory meetings on Zoom or face to face to meet a young person first before they join a group if this is what they would like.


Another event was planned for 17 May for young people aged above 171/2 years of age as well as care leavers and personal advisors (PAs), to gain an understanding on what The Care Leavers Forum is and take part in activities and table discussions, with an opportunity to sign up to that group.


Young people commented that LINX had helped build their confidence up to the point where they feel more comfortable to speak in front of adults, particularly Elected Members and Senior managers.  LINX also needs the help of new young people, so there are more views on what they think should happen.  There is a range of young people attending different meetings/events to enable their voices to be heard and they enjoy meeting new people and making new friends and getting different perspectives which enables them to have a louder voice across Lancashire.


Following a group session, young people had discussed what topics they felt were important to them and what changes can be made for themselves and for their peers.  They also requested that support and help on the issues detailed, come from the Corporate Parenting Board. The issues are:


·  Mental Health and Wellbeing

·  Support in school/college

·  Breaking down the stigma

·  Support with bulling

·  Finances, better understanding of what they are entitled to – young people would like to take up the offer from County Councillor Jeff Couperthwaite to deliver a money session with the young people.

·  Support with transitions, ie moving out


In groups, the Board were then asked to discuss what topics come up when they are talking to children and young people and what can/have they offered to children and young people.  Some examples were:


·  Feeling a sense of not belonging

·  Difficulties in school

·  Not having the head space for school/education

·  Stigma

·  Identity as a child or young person in care

·  Lack of confident

·  Stability of housing and having a nice home


Further feedback can be found in the presentation attached to the minutes.


In preparation for the Young People's Corporate Parenting Board Summer Session, Board members were requested to find a minimum of five services in their local area that support children and young people.  These could be to do with mental health, education, employment, finances, youth groups etc.  This information will then be collated and shared with young people in those areas.


The Board were asked to discuss what they would like to see and get out of the summer session in July.  Following discussion, a few suggestions were as follows:


·  As many children and young people to attend the session and get an idea of what differences they can make.

·  Diverse representation that reflects all of Lancashire's care experienced children and young people.

·  The offer of some activities that meet the needs for their social development.

·  Input/views from younger looked after children.

·  LGBT representation.


Further feedback can be found in the presentation attached to the minutes.


Following this discussion, the Board were then asked to decide on a date for the session, time and venue.  The Board agreed that the next meeting date should be changed from 21 July 2022 to Tuesday, 26 July at 1pm-4pm and that it would be held in an Outdoor Education Centre (either Borwick Hall or Hothersall Lodge).  The venue will be confirmed following this meeting.


Young people thanked all present for their contribution in this item.


Resolved:  That:


i)  The Board noted the presentation from LINX and the Participation Team.

ii)  That all members of the Board find a minimum of five services in their local area that support children and young people and present these at the July Young People's Corporate Parenting Board meeting.

iii)  April Rankin contact County Councillor Jeff Couperthwaite to arrange for a money session to be delivered for young people.

iv)  The date and time of the next meeting be rescheduled from 21 July 2022 to 26 July 2022 at 1pm-4pm and be held at an Outdoor Education Centre (either Borwick Hall or Hothersall Lodge).


Supporting documents: