Agenda item

Young People's Takeover Day - 26 July 2022

Young People from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council), April Rankin and Adam Riley, Participation Team, Child and Family Wellbeing Service, LCC


To receive an update on the Young People's Takeover Day on 26 July 2022 and the outcomes from that meeting.



Young people from LINX (Lancashire Children in Care Council), April Rankin and Adam Riley, Participation Team, Child and Family Wellbeing Service, Lancashire County Council gave a presentation on the Corporate Parenting Board Youth Takeover Day which was held on 26 July 2022 at Hothersall Lodge.


The Board noted that young people had spent the morning session doing different activities which they reported had built their confidence and enabled familiarisation to the environment before members of the Board joined them for the afternoon session.


A short video was shown from the day, which included quotes from young people and carers about how they found the session which included:


·  It was a really good day; I had a nice time talking to all the different people that were there and I got a few helpful tips and suggestions too.

·  The day was great I loved meeting other young people and different professionals like Claire from education and I liked to learn what other professionals do.  Didn't like waking up early though haha.

·  I had so much fun and met lots of nice people and I can't wait do it again.  I especially loved the zip wire and the egg and tuna butties".

·  I would say he was buzzing all the way home, he had so much fun so thank you.


Other feedback received on the day from members of the Board including young people was:


·  Lovely to meet so many enthusiastic children and young people.

·  Would like to see more young people attending.

·  Having a focus on what needed to be discussed.  What needs to be changed and why?

·  Good to see our partners attending today.

·  Learnt about young people's interests.

·  The professionals have been very helpful, and I have gained something.

·  Teamwork is really important.

·  Learned to communicate with new people.

·  I feel happy that our younger children have been supported to attend today.

·  Met people and other professionals that I have only met online.

·  I have learnt to work well in a team and communicate with others.

·  Nostalgic for being a full-time youth worker.

·  Get more help with dentists.  Find out about apprenticeship opportunities.


The young people also reported that for future sessions, they would like to spend a full day with professionals, so they can chat more and build up relationships.


Thanks was given to members who had provided information, as requested at the last Board meeting held on 11 May 2022, where they had been asked to find a minimum of five services in their local area that support children and young people.  This information will now be collated to provide an informative leaflet which can be shared with other young people in care, so they can see what is available in their area or if they move to other areas.


Following discussions with Health professionals on the day, young people were keen to have a Health Takeover Day for young people in care and care leavers which would be a range of activities including:


·  What roles different health professionals have and what they do ie health workers, opticians, sexual health workers, mental health workers and GPs.

·  Share information about the health passport.

·  Get feedback from young people around what support they would like from Health.

·  Explain what young people are entitled to from opticians, dentists etc.

·  Get information regarding prescription exemptions and what they are entitled to on Universal Credit and if in employment.


Helen Hargreaves, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board requested that the information regarding health that the young people reported on, be forwarded to her, so it can be presented into the networks, and they will look at providing information as requested by the young people.  It was also suggested that the different roles in the health service could also attend the Health Takeover Day and speak to the young people.


The Board thanked young people for arranging the day and for the presentation.


Resolved:  That the Corporate Parenting Board:


i)  Noted the update.

ii)  Agreed for April Rankin to provide feedback from the young people on health, to Helen Hargreaves so that it can be shared within the Integrated Care Board networks in order to provide further information to young people as requested.