Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care System - National Guidance


Clare Platt, Health Equity, Welfare and Partnerships, Lancashire County Council discussed with the Board the recently published national guidance for health and Wellbeing Boards in the context of a changed NHS landscape; and identified some initial implications for further consideration as detailed further in the report attached to this agenda.  As the guidance develops further, a better understanding will be learnt of the Boards responsibilities going forwards.


Sarah James, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board informed the Board that the Integrated Care Strategy has been developed up through the Integrated Care Partnership and is drawn from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, it fully lines up with the Health and Wellbeing Boards taking into wider considerations across Lancashire and South Cumbria and will be presented to this Board in March 2023 as well as a briefing on the wider context.  There will also be a whole system plan which will set out a 10-year vision for what the Integrated CareBoard expects from the NHS and its wider partners to work towards in Lancashire and South Cumbria.  It will incorporate what the NHS will do to respond to the Integrated Care Strategy, what it will do to respond to wider national challenges as well as setting out a three-year financial framework.  The Plan, which will have been responded to by the Strategy, will be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting in May 2023 where sign-off and endorsement will be requested.


The Board noted that Items 4 and 5 ran in conjunction with each other and the Chair requested that both presentations be received before discussions commenced for both items.


Following both presentations, the following points/comments were raised:


·  The Health and Wellbeing Board will need to maintain oversight of the Board itself of which the guidance helps clarify that there is a role for this forum which strategic and not entirely delivery, which is filled by the Place Based Partnership Board and there needs to be a longer-term view of the strategy in terms of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

·  The Board were asked to note the newly emerging themes and to commit to explore what the next steps for the Board should be with regards to the:

Ø  Joint Capital Plans

Ø  Care Quality Commission (CQC)

·  It was confirmed that the membership of the Board would be reviewed on a regular basis, however, at present, it was felt that no changes were required.

·  With regards to the workshops, it was noted that invites had been sent to County and District Councils, local community groups, colleges, Fire Service, hospices, NHS colleagues (Acute providers, community services, GPs and other providers) as well as others who have registered an interest.  Further work that is wanting to be built on is around residents' voices and people with lived experience, however currently the workshops are more aimed at professionals.

·  Details of the workshops will be forwarded on to members of the Health and Wellbeing Board following this meeting.

·  In terms of data throughout the life course, ie Start Well, Live Well, Age Well and Die Well there will be a broad range of indicators from district level, down to ward level indicating where there are 'hot spots'.

·  Maintaining relationships between wider partners is crucial in delivering key priorities and unexpected issues within public health and in response to them, build on the infrastructures that already exist.

·  It is also the responsibility of Boards such as the Health and Wellbeing Board and system leaders to agree where improvements are required and to address the key priorities.

·  Respond to trends with maybe resilience forums as was seen with the COVID pandemic and worked well.

·  It was noted that North Lancashire and South Cumbria are reflected in terms of representation on all Boards, including the Health and Wellbeing Board, Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


(i)  Considered whether the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board requires amendment in the context of a changed NHS landscape.

(ii)  Considered the opportunities for future governance further to the introduction of the Place Based Partnership.

(iii)  Endorsed collaboration with the Integrated Care Partnership on strategy development.

(iv)  Endorsed the development of an annual timeline to facilitate collaboration, including participation in the Integrated Care Board's forward plan and annual report development/review, and system wide NHS capital resource use planning.

(v)  Investigated further the potential role of the Board in relation to the Care Quality Commission reviews of the integrated care system.


Supporting documents: