Agenda item

Feedback & Recommendations from 1:1s

Report attached


Habib Patel, Debs Harkins and Mike Leaf (All Lancashire County Council), gave a presentation on the Feedback and Recommendations as a result of the recent series of one to one meetings held with Board members.


Habib explained that the purpose of the feedback was for Board members:


·  To understand perceptions of members’ role on the Board.

·  To provide opportunities for Board members to make recommendations to the strategy narrative.

·  To elicit views on how the Health and Wellbeing Strategy can be delivered.

·  To understand Board members’ commitment to contributing to the delivery of the overall strategy.

·  To consider partner’s contribution to the delivery of the 4 chosen interventions.


Role of the Board - Feedback:

Habib presented feedback received from Board Members regarding the Role of the Board:


·  Board members were in agreement that they have a leadership role across the whole County.

·  Some members have a link role.

·  Board members are "Holding the ring on health and wellbeing in Lancashire"

·  Board members should hold each other to account.

·  Some Board members were unclear about how partners will hold each other to account.

·  Some Board members expressed concerns that they have not had the opportunity through the Board to explore the most significant challenges facing the Lancashire health system.


Recommendations regarding the Role of the Board were presented to the Board as follows:


·  To hold a facilitated development session for Board members to work through  a number of scenarios providing opportunities to challenge in a safe environment and to agree how Board members  will hold each other to account.

·  Develop a process by which the “sustainability issues” that need discussion are identified and a programme of work to take these forward.

·  Hold facilitated development sessions to work through a number of “sustainability "scenarios.

·  Explore the Board’s vision for the Lancashire JSNA and how it wants to provide leadership of its development.


Strategy Narrative – Feedback


Habib presented feedback from Board Members on their views of the Strategy Narrative:


·  The strategy does have clear outcomes (but they aren’t measureable).

·  It does not establish how public and patient experience  of health and wellbeing services will be improved.

·  It does not describe how the system will be sustainable.

·  Board members did not make the link between the shifts and sustainability and experience.

·  Need to be more explicit about what success would look like.

·  Mixed views about measures against outcomes, interventions and shifts.

·  How can we hold each other to account if we don’t know what success will look like?

·  Mixed views about rigorous performance management framework.


Recommendations regarding the Strategy Narrative were presented to the Board as follows:


·  The strategy narrative should be explicit about the three goals of an effective H&W system: improving outcomes, experience and sustainability.

·  It should describe how the strategy shifts contribute to improving outcomes, citizen’s experience and the sustainability of the system.

·  It needs an overarching measurable goal for the strategy.

·  It should be "SMART" success measures for each outcome, shift and intervention and progress should be reported to the Board.


Delivery of the Strategy – Feedback

Debs Harkins presented feedback from Board Members on the Delivery of the Strategy:


·  The Board should have strategic oversight of the delivery of the strategy.

·  Further consideration needed to understand how the action of each organisation would contribute to outcomes, shifts and interventions.

·  Board members were not clear how and why the four interventions had been chosen.

·  Perception from some NHS members that the four interventions are social care focused.




Recommendations regarding the Delivery of the Strategy were presented to the Board as follows:


·  The Board should review its decision to focus on the four particular interventions and clarify the rationale for this.

·  The Board should consider developing a three-year strategic plan to specify how the strategy will be delivered, specifically, how partners will contribute to the outcomes, shifts and interventions. 

·  Board members nominate a representative from their organisation who could form a multi-agency team and work together to develop the three-year strategic plan.


Co-ordinating Commissioning Plans – Feedback


Mike Leaf presented feedback from Board Members on the Co-ordinating Commissioning Plans as follows:


·  Board Members are unsure how co-ordination will actually happen.

·  Board Members requested that clear expectations on how and when commissioning plans are shared.

·  Board Members wanted clarification on how do we ensure constructive challenge is provided.

·  Need to fill the gap between long term outcomes and the interventions.


Recommendations regarding the co-ordination of the Commissioning Plans were presented to the Board as follows:


·  The Board should make explicit its expectations:

o  about how and when it would like to receive partner's commissioning plans and

o  about what should be included in them in order for them to co-ordinate as effectively as possible with health and wellbeing strategy priorities.

·  Consideration given to how it will undertake the co-ordination of commissioning plans to ensure that any gaps can be identified and proposals developed for them to be filled. 


Integration – Feedback


·  Board members were not talking about integration of plans.

·  Early days, new players, new partners.

·  Board members were not clear about how integration would happen.


Recommendations regarding Integration were presented to the Board as follows:


The Board's approach to co-ordinating Commissioning Plans should include the identification of opportunities for integrating in the commissioning and delivery of services and these should be highlighted to the Board.




Intervention – Feedback


  Mixed commitment to interventions.

  Strong commitment to new ways of working but mixed views as to role in their delivery.

  Commitment to engage and support delivery but not necessarily though investment.

  Recommended some changes to work plans.

  Needed some time to discuss with organisation/partners on contribution.


Recommendations regarding Interventions were presented to the Board as follows:


  Multi Agency task groups set up to start delivery

  Send those who have mandate on behalf of organisation/partner

  Identify some quick wins and success measures


Way Forward


Board members asked for clarity regarding the agreed priorities.  Views were expressed that it was felt that the Board members had knowledge and expertise from their areas which need to be aligned with the four priority outcomes for the Board, there is a need to bring this together.




The Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board:


a)  Noted the presentation and feedback presented.

b)  Requested that individual Board members review their own services individual plans and look at what they contribute in order that any gaps can be identified.

c)  Requested that the Strategic Plan be created and presented to the Board.

Supporting documents: