Agenda item

Lancashire Better Care Fund Plan 2023 to 2025

To receive an overview of the Lancashire Better Care Fund (BCF) plan 2023 to 2025.



Sue Lott, Adult Social Care, Lancashire County Council provided an overview of the Lancashire Better Care Fund (BCF) plan 2023 to 2025. Having received approval by both Lancashire County Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board the final draft plan was signed off by the Health and Wellbeing Board deputy Chair and submitted to the national Better Care Fund team for the required assurance.  National planning timetables precluded the plan being brought to a formal meeting of the Board earlier. It is anticipated that the plan will receive national approval.


The Board noted that there were two elements required for submission: a planning template (this has been circulated separately to the agenda, to members of the Health and Wellbeing Board) and a narrative plan (Appendix 'A').  Further details can also be found in the report.


The requirement for a two-year plan allows for stability across service planning and delivery in 2023/24 while enabling the flexibility for the shaping and implementation of the necessary changes that are being identified through the Lancashire Better Care Fund reset process for 2024/25.


There will be a requirement for quarterly reporting on Better Care Fund activity and progress. The Board will be engaged and informed as part of that process.


The Board noted that there was a new metric had been introduced for 2023/24 focusing on emergency hospital admissions due to falls sustained by people aged over 65 and a further metric will be introduced in 2024/25 relating to hospital discharges, measuring the time between people being declared fit to leave hospital and the actual date of discharge.


Following the presentation, the following comments/issues were discussed:


·  The Better Care fund monies has to be spent in partnership to drive best value for money.

·  The metrics are still hospital focused.

·  Create capacity to try out different ways of working, which will come from driving better values.

·  Louise Taylor, Executive Director for Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council and Director of Health and Care Integration, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria and James Fleet, Chief People Officer, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to discuss the timeline for reset and review with the Integrated Care Board.

·  It is proposed that the Board considers how much of the Better Care Fund Reset programme invests in community wellbeing initiatives that will help engage people away from some of the statutory services (ie the 1% investment as recommended in national documents), preferably done in partnership with the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector with District Councils at local level.  This will be a practical manifestation of commitment from the Board and the Integrated Care Board.

· Identify opportunities for creative utilisation of Disabled Facilities Grant allocations to address housing issues. It was confirmed that these conversations are taking place already with housing and health co-ordinators. 

· Pathways between social care/occupational therapy and district councils need to be clear, given pressures in recruiting and retaining occupational therapists. 

·  District councils have housing standards expertise to enable residents to remain healthy in their homes.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


i)  Confirmed the sign off the Lancashire Better Care Fund Plan 2023 to 2025.

ii)  Agreed to receive bi-monthly reports that set out Better Care Fund progress alongside the development of the reset Lancashire Better Care Fund.

iii)  Requested that there is a confirmed commencement date for the reset activity.

iv)  Requested Louise Taylor, Executive Director for Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council and Director of Health and Care Integration, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria and James Fleet, Chief People Officer, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to engage with Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Executive Board with regards to detailed information that is required from West Lancashire, Fylde and Wyre to begin the work.

v)  Endorsed more integrated commissioning activity as part of the Better Care Fund. Louise Taylor, Executive Director for Health and Wellbeing, Lancashire County Council and Director of Health and Care Integration, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria and James Fleet, Chief People Officer, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to progress with Integrated Care Board colleagues.

vi)  Agreed that as part of the future development there is a need to consider how prevention and reducing inequalities are addressed in terms of year-on-year investment.



Supporting documents: