Agenda item

SACRE Membership


It was noted that membership of the SACRE was renewed every four years coinciding with the County Council elections and that as this was an election year the Clerk would shortly be contacting all the nominating sponsoring bodies requesting nominations to serve for the forthcoming four year term.  The current membership of the SACRE, determined locally, was as follows:


Group 1 - Christian and Other religions and denominations which appropriately reflect the principal religious traditions in the area


·  The Roman Catholic Church  3

·  The Free Churches Group  4

·  Islam  5

·  Hinduism  2

·  Judaism  1

·  Sikhism  1

·  Buddhism  1


Group 2 – The Church of England  5


Group 3 – Associations representing Teachers  5


Group 4 – The Local Authority  5


Each group carried one vote in matters to be determined by SACRE.


In addition, the SACRE constitution allowed the appointment of up to five co-opted members chosen from educational backgrounds. The SACRE also  currently included three Observers.  Co-opted members and Observers do not take part in any voting.


Members considered the 2011 census data available showing religions in Lancashire and noted that the figures did not necessarily reflect the significance of certain faiths nationally and internationally.


In light of the forthcoming renewal of membership, members commented as follows:


  • The number of Pagans in Lancashire constituted 42% of people putting themselves in the 'Other' religion category and that therefore the change from 'Observer' status of the Pagan representative to full membership of Group 1 should be considered.
  • Any request for a religion or denomination to be allocated a place in Group 1 would need to be supported by a robust case and, in the event of the SACRE agreeing such a change, a sponsoring nominating body would be identified  and asked to make the nomination.
  • Given that each of the four groups have one vote, there seemed to be no provision in the SACRE constitution for making a decision in the case of a tied vote.  Some concerns relating to the disproportionate representation of very small religious groups were raised.
  • Comments were made on the difficulty of  representing the number of people who put themselves in the category of 'no religion.' , although it was noted that, of the four groups represented on the SACRE, two were specific faith based, and two were not, demonstrating that not all representatives on SACRE came from a faith background.
  • In the past, the SACRE had appointed a Humanist Observer who had rarely attended.  It had also been approached by the British Humanist Association for full membership.  The SACRE had made clear that it was open to all approaches and continued to be so, but nothing further had developed at that time. 
  • SACRE would continue to use the guidance and advice offered by NASACRE  on nominating bodies and issues connected to representation.


In general, it was felt that the SACRE had a good balance of representation, was an effective body, and that whilst it would always be appropriate to consider amendments to the membership as circumstances changed, there was no significant current issue that required substantial revision to the principles of membership


However, it was agreed that there appeared to be a sound case for the consideration of incorporating Paganism into Group 1. It was agreed that a paper be presented to the next meeting of SACRE providing evidence to allow full consideration of the suggestion. The paper would also be able to set out general guidance to ensure SACRE remained appropriately representative.


RESOLVED:    That:


  i.  The current membership and process for membership renewal be noted.


  1. A report be considered at the next meeting the SACRE to determine the proposal that Paganism be incorporated into Group 1, and setting out the principles for future amendments to membership.


Supporting documents: