Issue - decisions

Determination of Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools and Sixth Forms for the School Year 2017/18

08/02/2016 - Determination of Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools and Sixth Forms for the School Year 2017/18

County Councillor Matthew Tomlinson, the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools approved:


(i) that the admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled primary schools, secondary schools and sixth forms for 2017/18 listed at Appendices 'A' and 'B' (which include the recommendations of the Director of Children's Services as listed at Appendix 'C') be determined;


(ii) that the criteria for admission to community and voluntary controlled primary schools,  secondary schools and sixth forms for 2017/18 as listed at Appendix 'D' be agreed; and


(iii) that the admission numbers and criteria for admission set out at (a) and (b), together with the other information included on the Authority’s website and in its admissions booklets, shall constitute the admission arrangements for 2017/18.