Issue - decisions

External Audit
- Lancashire County Pension Fund Audit Plan 2015/16

10/06/2016 - External Audit - Lancashire County Pension Fund Audit Plan 2015/16

Karen Murray, Director, Grant Thornton, attended and presented a report setting out details of the Lancashire County Pension Fund's Audit Plan for 2015/16.


The Annual Audit Plan, set out at Appendix 'A', included the nature and scope of work that the external auditor undertook to discharge its statutory responsibilities. The plan included, in broad terms, the programme of work required to give a financial opinion on whether the financial statements:


-  Gave a true and fair view of the financial position of the Pension Fund as at 31 March 2016 and of its expenditure and income for the year ended;

-  Had been prepared in accordance with proper accounting practice.


It was reported that the total fee for the audit work undertaken was £35,906.


The Audit Plan had been considered by the Audit and Governance Committee on 9 May 2016.


Resolved: - That:


(i)  The External Audit Plan for the Lancashire County Pension Fund 2015/16, and the associated fees, be noted;

(ii)  Karen Murray be thanked for her attendance.