Issue - decisions

Responsible Investment

15/09/2016 - Responsible Investment

The Committee considered a report setting out the quarterly update on Responsible Investment matters.


Appendix 'A' to the report set out details on how the Fund's commitment to long term responsible asset ownership is being fulfilled in practice.


It was reported that a revised Statement of Compliance with the Stewardship Code would be drafted in line with an initiative by the Financial Report Council. Due to the timescales, it was proposed to authorise the Chair of the Committee, in consultation with the Head of Fund, to approve the revised Statement of Compliance which would then be brought to the Committee meeting on 2 December.


It was suggested that Responsible Investment should be the subject of a monthly workshop, preferably prior to the end of year.


Resolved: - That:


(i)  The report, now presented, be noted;

(ii)  The Chair be authorised, in consultation with the Head of Fund, to approve a revised Statement of Compliance with the Stewardship Code;

(iii)  That Responsible Investment be the subject of a monthly workshop, preferably prior to the end of the year.