Issue - decisions

Funding changes as a result of the White Paper

29/11/2016 - Funding changes as a result of the White Paper

Bob Stott, Director for Education, Schools and Care provided the Committee with an update on the funding changes as a result of the White Paper with a summary on the five briefing sessions held with schools across Lancashire in relation to these proposed changes (information appended to the minutes).


It was confirmed that the White Paper has not been taken forward by the Government at this time.  However, members were advised that the stated intention of the Government continued for schools to become academies by 2022.  One of the potential key drivers for this may be the funding changes although information has yet to be received on the consultation around this.  It was confirmed that the submission to the consultation when completed would be circulated to members.


Members were advised that further work continued on the potential local partnership models which includes district maps of schools, children's centres and PRU's and information on the governance around these possible partnership models to be made available to schools.


Members were informed that there will be three conferences in the spring (north, east and central).


Members of the Committee were invited to comment and raise questions and a summary of the discussion is set out below:


It was confirmed that examples from other authorities on the different types of partnerships would be explored and it was agreed that there was a need to identify suitable partnership models in Lancashire.


The Committee was provided with feedback from the schools following the five briefing sessions. It was reported that nursery schools raised concerns around the introduction of the 30 hours free childcare and possible impact on their services and a meeting would be arranged with all nursery heads to discuss this further. 


Resolved: That;

  1. Update and comments from the Committee be noted
  2. Further information on the consultation be circulated to members when available
  3. Member briefing on the proposed financial changes be considered