Issue - decisions

Schools Budget 2017/18

18/01/2017 - Schools Budget 2017/18

County Councillor Matthew Tomlinson, the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools:


(i) noted the report, including the 2017/18 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocation,  the final budget proposals for each funding block and any comments made by the Lancashire Schools Forum;

(ii) authorised the Head of Service Financial Management Development and Schools to submit the final Schools Block budget proforma for 2017/18 to the EFA by 20 January 2017, on the basis set out in this report;

(iii) approved the 2017/18 budgets for the Early Years and High Needs Blocks;

(iv) agreed that the Dedicated Schools Grant Reserve underwrite the uncertainties around the Early Years and High Needs Blocks.


This decision should be implemented immediately for the purposes of Standing Order 34(3) as any delay could adversely affect the execution of the County Council's responsibilities.  The reason for this is to ensure that the necessary proforma can be submitted to the Education Funding Agency ahead of the required deadline.

17/01/2017 - Schools Budget 2017/18

The Committee considered a report to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools on the proposed schools budget for 2017/18 including the views of the Schools Forum from its meeting on 12 January 2017.


Resolved:  That the recommendations set out in the report to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools be noted and that no additional comments or suggested alternative recommendations be made.