Issue - decisions

Property Strategy - White Cross Education Centre (Mill 14)

23/01/2017 - Property Strategy - White Cross Education Centre (Mill 14)

County Councillor David Borrow, the Deputy Leader of the County Council:


(i)  Approved the continuation of Phase 1 works through to completion and move services in to Mill 14 when available in mid-February 2017;


(ii)  Approved the additional fire safety measures to be carried out on the Ground and 1st floors as part of the Phase 1 works;


(iii)  Approved that the costs of the Phase 1 works (final total £1.765m including fire protection and fire doors)  are funded from the following three sources a)a contribution of £0.165m from the 2016/17 corporate revenue Repairs and Maintenance  budget, b) use of £0.727m Asset maintenance earmarked reserve and c) the balance of £0.873m from the £20m Property Portfolio Rationalisation ( Neighbourhood Centres Suitability Investment) budget in the corporate block of the capital programme; and


(iv)Approved a review of the proposed Phase 2 works to the building.