Issue - decisions

Minutes of the Meeting held on

17/03/2017 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd December 2016

The Chair informed the meeting that following consultations with Colleges and Universities it had been agreed thatMr Eddie Pope from UCLAN would be the sole nominee put forward to replace Mr Milloy as the FE/HE representative on the Committee and that upon his retirement from the position it would be filled by a nominee from the FE colleges and the position would then alternate between the sectors in a similar way.


The Committee noted that Mr Pope would ensure that relevant colleagues from each of the Lancashire FE/HE institutions would be able to input through him and receive feedback from him following meetings.




1.  That the appointment of Mr E Pope from UCLAN as the co-opted member representing FE/HE institutions on the basis set out above is noted.


2.  That the Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd December 2016 as presented are confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.