Issue - decisions

Minutes of the Meeting held on

10/04/2017 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 January 2017

Item 3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 September 2016


The following update on the Liquid Logic system from Lisa Kitto, Director of Corporate Services was reported to members:


'The initial scoping work for Project Accuracy for Adults is underway and being supported by Newton Europe. Two initial workshops have been held involving a number of key services including adult's social care, core systems, care navigation, procurement, finance and learning and development.  A steering group has been established and will be chaired by the deputy Chief Executive, the first meeting of which will take place in April.  A number of workstreams will report to the group including; social care practice and processes, design of 'to be' processes, data cleaning, system changes, training and commissioning.  All of these will have detailed workplans and timescales against which the project will be monitored'. 


Members were assured that a full update would be provided at the next meeting of the Committee.


Item 4 Update on Treasury Management Activity


Members were advised that the transitional arrangements that had been in place since the establishment of LPP had now been terminated and an agreement for the provision of Treasury Management Services by LPP to the Council was now in place. It was intended that detailed requirements would be finalised in the next two weeks and it was confirmed that a full report would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


Item 8 Internal Audit progress report


It was confirmed that the Corporate Director for Operations and Delivery attended the February meeting of the Scrutiny Committee (minutes from this meeting was circulated to members) to provide an update on the issues in adult services highlighted in the audit progress report.  At this meeting, it was confirmed that the number of team managers had increased and would have responsibility for a maximum of 10 social workers to ensure sufficient oversight of social work practice.  In addition, weekly case progression meetings had been introduced.  Members were assured that the Scrutiny Committee was satisfied that the situation was being addressed and had requested a further report in six months.


It was confirmed that both the Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Governance Committee would be kept informed.


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 30 January 2017 be confirmed and signed by the Deputy Chair.