Issue - decisions

Policy position on the future provision of Halal Meat

12/07/2018 - Policy position on the future provision of Halal Meat

The Cabinet Resolved:




(i)  the review, as set out at Appendix 'A' and associated annexes together with background papers demonstrating the history of this policy area, be noted.

(ii)  the findings from the public consultation (Appendix 'B') and the updated Equality Analysis (Appendix 'C') be noted.

(iii)  the supply of un-stunned halal meat, with the exception of poultry, to schools be ceased . 

(iv)  a further discussion be held with the Lancashire Council of Mosques to see how the implications of the decision at (iii) above can be mitigated should the Lancashire Council of Mosques proceed with its threat to boycott school meals.