Agenda item

Prevention and Population Health Plan and Neighbourhood Working

To receive an update on prevention in the context of the Integrated Care System and receive an update on neighbourhood working following the Health and Wellbeing workshop.


Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, Lancashire County Council presented the report and PowerPoint to the Board that were attached to the agenda.


At the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) workshop held on the 15 May 2018, it was agreed that the single next focus for integration (alongside the existing activity on hospital flow and Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) was the whole system approach to health and care at neighbourhood level.


A task and finish group comprising of the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and officers from the NHS and local government met on the 29 June 20218.  The working title for this programme of work was 'Total Neighbourhoods'.  The task and finish group discussed the offer and ask from the County Council to progress this work and agreed two key activities.


They included:


1.  ‘Operational alignment’ of NHS, district council and Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector services at neighbourhood level, starting with public health and preventative services and then to consider adult social care and other relevant services of the County Council as as the programme develops.


2.  'Strategic design' work to further develop integrated care including pooled budgets, joint commissioning, risk and gain share agreements and regulation.


Discussion ensued around the Neighbourhood Operating model and looking at this on an integrated care system level which was aligned to the Council's footprint.  Each neighbourhood could be unique and it includes services for all ages and not just physical health. 


The Board agreed that they would stand to make some huge gains with neighbourhood working and that this had to be a whole system approach to keep people safe and well in their own homes and communities.  The Board needed to align itself operationally and be innovative.


Lancashire Adult Learning could offer support with this, and the Board were informed that they had been invited to present at the next meeting in September 2018.


The active ageing proposal being developed by the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector will also support this.


Some work was already being done in certain neighbourhoods so would look to them to design and lead as first wave of neighbourhoods starting in Autumn 2018 with a view to scale up and spread the neighbourhood level integration of services during 2019/20 and the year after.


It was requested that Lancashire's Health and Wellbeing Board asks the five Health and Wellbeing Partnerships to develop plans to support the neighbourhood level working in their respective areas.  It was noted that this will also support the priorities of Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to:


i)  Support the 'offer' and 'ask' from the County Council to integrate services at the neighbourhood level.

ii)  Support a detailed design of this programme with NHS, districts and partner organisations to invite first wave of neighbourhoods, starting in Autumn 2018.

iii)  Endorse the implementation of this programme via Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated System and its associated Integrated Care Partnerships

iv)  Support the ongoing discussions between local authorities to develop an alliance of Health and Wellbeing Boards across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

v)  Receive regular progress reports to provide ongoing support to this programme.

vi)  Receive a report on the Acting Ageing Alliance at a subsequent meeting.


Supporting documents: