Agenda item

Lancashire Better Care Fund Plan 2022/23 and Update

To receive an update and sign off of the Better Care Fund Plan 2022/2023.



Paul Robinson, Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit and Sue Lott, Adult Social Care, Lancashire County Council presented the report and presentation (attached to the minutes) which provided an overview of the Lancashire Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan 2022/23.  Following approval from both Lancashire County Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board the plan was signed off by the Chair of the Board and submitted to the national Better Care Fund (BCF) team for the required assurance.  It was anticipated that the plan would receive national approval, and this expected shortly.


The Board noted that the three elements required for submission were:


(i)  The Plan Narrative (Appendix 'A' of the report) which details what is being done and what is planned to be done with the allocated monies.

(ii)  The Planning Template (Appendix 'B' of the report) which includes income (minimum requirements), expenditure plan and metrics.

(iii)  Intermediate Care Capacity and Demand analysis.


Further details on their purpose and contents can be found detailed in the report circulated with the agenda.


The Board received an update on the work that had been happening since the Health and Wellbeing Board workshop on 6 September 2022 with regards to the "reset" and were reminded that the Health and Wellbeing Board are the key accountable body, and that Lancashire County Council was working with one NHS body, the Integrated Care Board.  Following the workshop and with support of the regional Better Care Fund team in collaboration with the Integrated Care Board, colleagues' plans have been put in place to hold a Multi-Agency Better Care Fund workshop in early December 2022 to begin the process and provide the basis for early and improved planning for 2023/24.  The aim, for all partners, is to have in place a plan by April 2023 and an agreed approach to continued improvement on the use of the Better Care Fund.


It was also noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board would support the:


·  Review and reset the Lancashire Better Care Fund

·  Work with regional Better Care Fund support and Lancashire partners

·  Multi-Agency workshop early December 2022 and the:

·  Analysis of spend and opportunities

·  Timely and robust planning for 2023/24

·  Basis for a refocused Better Care Fund in Lancashire


Following the presentation, the following comments were noted that:


·  This was a good opportunity to invest collective resources in prevention and expand the scope to beyond Health and Social Care services.

·  The workshop was encouraged to discuss the previous point and present plans to the Health and Wellbeing Board on taking this forwards and using the Better Care Fund for upstream prevention as well as reducing the needs and work with Community groups and Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector where there are opportunities that previously have not been considered as part of the Better Care Fund.

·  It was a good opportunity to be ambitious and influence the clear metrics including in-hospital metrics.

·  That the Better Care Fund is different now, than in the past, the level of commitment and engagement from all partners is very strong and reinforces that there is a strong ambition to change how things happen for the people of Lancashire.

·  That an update on the Better Care Fund be presented at every Board meeting, to ensure it is engaged.  This will be alongside the formal quarterly reporting prescribed requirements from Central Government.

·  Further engagement work with Lancashire citizens will be included as part of the review and reset and work continues with commissioning colleagues around this.

·  That there is an opportunity to include mental health and transitions from Children's Services to Adult Services.

·  That metrics can be set locally alongside national requirements to help improve outcomes for Lancashire citizens.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


(i)  Confirmed the sign off of the Lancashire Better Care Fund Plan 2022/23.

(ii)  Would seek updates on Better Care Fund progress at future Board meetings in line with quarterly reporting requirements.

(iii)  Agreed to engage with and support the work through the Better Care Fund workshop and beyond to "reset" the Better Care Fund in Lancashire.

Supporting documents: