Agenda item

Better Care Fund

To receive an update and participate in a workshop style discussion.


Sue Lott, Adult Social Care, Lancashire County Council and Paul Robinson, Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit updated the Board on the Lancashire Better Care Fund Reset work. 


The Board noted that the Better Care Fund End of Year (2022/23) is being completed.


The Adult Social Care Discharge Fund has been confirmed for 2023-25, with planning in progress. The monies will be fully pooled into the Better Care Fund.


The Better Care Fund Plan is a two-year plan, with the ability to review and amend at the end of 2023/24. Planning is in progress, with the multi-agency steering group leading the work together on populating the plan and bringing the narrative together. The engagement with the Health and Wellbeing Board at this meeting is part of the information gathering and ambition setting for the Lancashire Plan.


Further details can be found within the report and in Appendix 'A'.


The Board also received a presentation which is appended to these minutes which provides further information on:


Lancashire Better Care Fund Update

·  Lancashire Better Care Fund Reset

·  Metrics and Performance

·  Adult Social Care Discharge Fund

·  Better Care Fund 2022/23 End of Year Reporting


Health and Wellbeing Board guidance and support

Lancashire Better Care Fund Planning 2023 and beyond

·  Stakeholders …engagement and involvement

·  The approach to embedding integrated, person-centred health, social care and housing

·  How will we enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer?

·  How will we provide the right care in the right place at the right time?

·  How do we best support unpaid carers using the Better Care Fund?

·  How do we make the most of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) and wider housing support to achieve the above?

·  How do we use the Better Care Fund to address and reduce health inequalities for the local population?


Following the presentation, the following issues were discussed:


·  Generally the severity of illness being presented may mean that targets in Lancashire may not be met.

·  Citizen engagement is really promising, however need to ensure that there is no fatigue and look at joining engagement up.

·  From a citizen engagement approach, it was noted that the providers will be brought together for a day to ask them what they are currently dealing with and joining up the feedback with the people making decisions.

·  There were also two areas which needed deep dive sessions around unpaid carers and housing.

·  Look at joining up the funding for housing that comes into local areas.

·  The Board noted that there was report going to Lancashire County Council's Cabinet on 8 June 2023 on Lancashire Accommodation with Support Plan, identifying the need for joined up working with services.

·  The Board requested that an informal meeting be arranged to continue discussions further around Lancashire Better Care Fund Planning 2023.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


i)  Considered and commented as appropriate on the progress in the “reset” of the Lancashire Better Care Fund and next steps.

ii)  Received further updates on Lancashire Better Care Fund reset activity and the Discharge Support Fund use and impact at future Board meetings.

iii)  Considered and commented as appropriate on the approach to using the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund as set out in the plan.

iv)  Contributed ideas and expectations for the 2023-25 Lancashire Better Care Fund Lancashire Plan.

v)  Requested that Sam Gorton, Democratic Services, Lancashire County Council arrange an informal workshop for the Board to discuss Better Care Fund Planning 2023 and beyond, key questions including housing and unpaid carers.


Supporting documents: