Decision Maker: Full Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Full Council is asked to consider approving
the delegation to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority of
functions relating to the management of the public rights of way
within that part of Lancashire which is within the Yorkshire Dales
National Park. These relate to day-to-day maintenance, signage and
enforcement of public footpaths, bridleways and byways.
County Councillor Albert Atkinson moved a report setting out details of a proposal to delegate functions relating to public rights of way within that part of Lancashire within the Yorkshire Dales National Park to the National Park Authority.
Resolved: - That:
(i) The delegation of powers and duties relating to public rights of way recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement within the area of Lancashire which is within the Yorkshire Dales National Park as set out at Appendix 'A' to the report, now presented, be approved.
(ii) That approval be given to an Agreement being drawn up and entered into to give effect to the delegation of functions, as set out in the report, now presented, with final details to be considered and approved by the Director of Corporate Services.
Divisions Affected: Lancaster Rural East;
Contact: David Goode Email: Tel: 01772 533723.
Report author: David Goode
Date of decision: 16/07/2020
Decided at meeting: 16/07/2020 - Full Council
Accompanying Documents: