Officer decisions

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Officer decisions
Title Date
Dolphinlee House Lancaster - Boiler Replacement 06/02/2025
Burnley Lowerhouse Junior School - Concrete Structure Roof Repairs 21/07/2024
Copilot Aggregated Offer 12/02/2025
Ormskirk Neighbourhood Centre - Boiler Replacement 23/01/2025
Minor Adaptations to Sunshine Centre 06/02/2025
St Joseph's RC Primary School - Fire Reinstatement Works 27/01/2025
Nelson Bradley Primary School - LPHW Heating Replacement 12/02/2025
Ormskirk CE Primary School - Window Replacement 31/01/2025
Works to Operational Premises programme - Queen Street Relocation 23/01/2025
Nelson Town Deal – Stone & Paving 10/02/2025
Farington South Ribble Cricket Ground - Supply of Concrete 10/02/2025
Award of Contract for Provision of a Lancashire STEM and Digital Skills Enrichment Programme 07/02/2025
Quotation Process for Works at Moor Lane Canal Bridge, Lancaster 10/02/2025
Quotation Process for Works to Lune West Bridge, Lancaster 10/02/2025
Transfer of Funds for Nelson Bus/Rail Interchange Accessibility Improvements 11/02/2025
Approval to Award Contracts for the Provision of Non-Recyclable Household Waste Acceptance and Recovery Services 07/02/2025
Deed Of Variation Under Section 106 and 106A for Planning Application 23/00389/VCN Site Address: Lune Industrial Estate New Quay Road Lancaster Lancashire 05/02/2025
Establishment of a North West Regional Business Unit for Rail 31/01/2025
Use of Section 106 Agreement for Planning Application 3/2012/0942, Higher Standen Farm, towards Castle St Clitheroe Sustainable Travel Scheme 05/02/2025
Lancashire County Council (Princess Road And Rough Lea Road, Cleveleys, Wyre Borough) (Revocation And Prohibition Of Waiting And Loading) Order 202* 05/02/2025
Lancashire County Council (Skipton Road, Colne, Pendle Borough) (Revocation (24-25 No1A)) Order 202* 05/02/2025
Approval to commence procurement to establish two framework agreements for the provision of acceptance and recycling of Waste Mattresses 27/01/2025
Decision to Approve the Award of the Contract to Specialist Computer Centres (SCC) Plc 24/01/2025
Transfer of 24/25 drainage underspends into 24/25 drainage unallocated 03/02/2025
Ingol Community Primary School - Flat Roof Renewal 21/01/2025
Quotation Process for the provision of labour for the laying of paving at Nelson Town Deal – Area 5 27/01/2025
Transfer of underspends to balance programme 23/24 Roundabout preventative maintenance 28/01/2025
Decision to conduct an award of contract via the Nepro 3 Framework to Bloom Procurement Services (using Impower Consulting Ltd) to provide consultancy services 31/01/2025
Rawtenstall St Mary's Primary School - Atrium Rooflight Replacement 23/12/2024
Transfer of Budget on 24/25 LDF Programme to Clear Unprocessed Costs 21/01/2025
Transfer of budget on 24/25 Urban to clear unprocessed costs 27/01/2025
Transfer of budget to clear unprocessed costs 27/01/2025
Approval to issue a mini competition from the Traffic Management Framework for the provision of services for the Nelson Town Deal project – Area 5. 27/01/2025
Ryeland's Community Primary - Demolition of Young Peoples Centre 05/12/2024
Traffic Management Mini-competition for the provision of services for the South Ribble Cricket Ground, Farington scheme 27/01/2025
Decision to award a contract for Meter Administration Services for Unmetered Electricity Supplies 29/01/2025
New Heating System at Freckleton Library 26/11/2024
15261 - Leyland Balshaw High School 23/12/2024
Step-in Arrangements – Fencing and Security works at PFI Schools in East Lancashire 10/01/2025
Preston Bus Station - Curtain Wall Structural Steelwork 27/01/2025
Thornton Adult Centre - Boiler Replacement 24/01/2025
Fosterfields Care Centre Chorley - Kitchen Refurbishment 27/01/2025
Basic Need Expansion - Carnforth Community Primary School 08/01/2025
15460 - Cuerden Highways Depot - Calibration Unit 23/12/2024
Preston Day Services - Boiler Replacement 10/01/2025
Bacup St Saviour's Community Primary School - Re-Roofing Works 08/01/2025
Renewal of Sports Hall Floor at Lathom High School 26/11/2024
Commitment of developer contributions to New School at Whittingham project 16/12/2024
Developer Contribution for Education - S106 Land at Whalley Road, Wilpshire 27/01/2025
Refurbishment Works at WOCL 416 Heysham Road Morecambe 26/01/2025
Heating System (Phase 1) Boiler Replacement at Coppull Primary School 26/11/2024
Extension of CT scanning contract 27/01/2025
Bus Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) and Traffic Light Priority (TLP) System 26/01/2025
Schools Condition Led Programme - Goosnargh Whitechapel Primary School 20/01/2025
Land Sale - 3 Riddings Lane Whalley 21/01/2025
Attendance at LAPF Strategic Investment Forum – 6th February 2025. 22/01/2025
Sale of Land - Sub Station at Riddings Lane Whalley. 21/01/2025
Section 106 Agreement for Planning Application 3/2023/0614. Land to east of Salesbury View, Wilpshire 23/01/2025
Section 106 (Unilateral Undertaking) Agreement for Planning Application 2023/1175/FUL, Land To The South Of Stopgate Lane, Simonswood, West Lancashire 23/01/2025
Decision to conclude a framework for the provision of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Acceptance and Recovery Services 22/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (North Promenade, Cleveleys, Wyre Borough) (Pedestrian Crossing) 16/01/2025
Contract Award in relation to PFI emergency response 15/11/2024
Lancashire County Council (Princess Road, Cleveleys, Wyre Borough) (Revocation And Prohibition Of Driving Except Cycles And Access) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (South Park, Lytham St Annes, Fylde Borough) (Revocation And Prohibition Of Waiting (24-25 No1B)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Clayton Brook and Clayton Green Area, Chorley and South Ribble Boroughs) (Removal and Introduction of Bus Stop Clearways) Legal Reference: LSG4/894.19966/AFR 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Various Roads, Chorley Borough) (Revocation And Various Parking Restrictions (24-25 No1G)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Various Roads, Preston City And South Ribble Borough) (Revocation And Various Parking Restrictions (24-25 No1D)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Various Roads, Hyndburn And Rossendale) (Revocation, Prohibition And Restriction Of Waiting (24-25 No1H)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Barclay road, Longridge and Hall Lane, St Michaels, Ribble Valley and Wyre Boroughs) (Revocation and Various Parking Restrictions (24-25 no1c)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Early Intervention Transformation (Preston) 13/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Bowerham Road, Lancaster, Lancaster City) (Prohibition Of Stopping On School Keep Clear (24-25 No1E)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Theatre In Education Year 9 Production 17/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Various Roads, Ribble Valley Borough) (Various Parking Restrictions (24-25 No1F)) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Contract Extension - Provision of Manned Security Services at White Cross and Lancashire Business Park 17/01/2025
Extension to the Contract for the provision of Community Transport Services 15/01/2025
Approval of the PIP for Works for Bradford Bridge 17/01/2025
Lancashire County Council Highways Act 1980 Section 65(1) and 66(4) Proposed Shared Use Cycle Way Legal Reference: LSG4/894.19868/AFR 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Blackburn Road, Blackburn New Road and Millennium Way, Chorley, Chorley Borough) (Revocation, 40mph and 50mph Speed Limits) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Henrietta Street, Bacup, Rossendale Borough) (Revocation and Prohibition of Waiting) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Market Street, Bacup, Rossendale Borough) (Removal and Introduction of Bus Stop Clearway) 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Serpentine Road, Burnley, Burnley Borough) (1.5m Width Restriction) Order 202* Legal Reference: LSG4/894.19869/AFR 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Sandy Lane, Hambleton, Wyre Borough) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 202* 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Darlington Street, Hewlett Avenue and Hewlett Street, Coppull, Chorley) (Junction Table) 16/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Broadway, Holme Street and Sagar Street, Nelson, Pendle Borough) (Removal and Introduction of Pedestrian Crossing) Legal Reference: LSG4/894.19845/AFR 16/01/2025
Lancashire Children's Rights, Advocacy and Independent Visitors Service 14/01/2025
Lancashire County Council (Glen Way, Brierfield, Pendle Borough) (Road Humps) 16/01/2025