Issue - meetings

Constitution of the County Council 2020/21

Meeting: 16/07/2020 - Full Council (Item 9)

9 Constitution of the County Council 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 141 KB


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County Councillor Geoff Driver moved a report setting out, for approval, the county council's Constitution for the year ahead, noting changes since the Annual General Meeting in 2019 and considering proposals for the amendments in relation to the Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Committees.


The following amendment was proposed by County Councillor David Howarth, seconded by County Councillor David Whipp:


Amend Article 8 Citizens Rights under point 5 at the end of the sentence add –


"and the right to be represented by their elected divisional County Councillor at any decision making meetings where matters are being considered solely concerning that division, and to speak on their behalf."


On being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote and was CARRIED.


In accordance with the requirements of procedural Standing Order B45(4), a recorded vote was taken. The names of the county councillors who voted for or against the Motion and those who abstained are set out below:


For (44)


A Ashton

S Clarke

M Green

J Purcell

D Stansfield

A Atkinson

A Clempson

P Greenall

J Rear

P Steen

P Britcliffe

J Cooney

A Hosker

P Rigby

C Towneley

I Brown

G Driver

K Iddon

A Riggott

S Turner

P Buckley

J Eaton

A Kay

M Salter

A Vincent

T Burns

C Edwards

S Morris

A Schofield

G Wilkins

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

E Nash

J Shedwick

P Williamson

S Charles

A Gardiner

D O'Toole

D Smith

B Yates

A Cheetham

G Gooch

E Pope

A Snowden



Against (37)


T Aldridge

B Dawson

S Holgate

J Molineux

J Potter

A Ali

F De Molfetta

D Howarth

Y Motala

K Snape

L Beavers

G Dowding

M Iqbal

E Oades

J Sumner

J Berry

K Ellard

H Khan

G Oliver

M Tomlinson

L Collinge

J Fillis

E Lewis

M Parkinson

D Whipp

L Cox

J Gibson

S Malik

J Parr


C Crompton

P Hayhurst

T Martin

M Pattison


M Dad

N Hennessy

J Mein

M Perks



Abstain (0)



It was therefore:


Resolved: - That:


(i)  The proposal to merge the Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Committees to a new Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Committee, with membership and terms of reference as set out in the report, now presented, be approved.

(ii)  Consideration be given to any other changes Full Council might wish to make to the constitution to enable the efficient and effective running of the county council.

(iii)The Director of Corporate Services be authorised to make any consequential changes to other parts of the constitution arising from these changes.

(iv)The Constitution of the County Council for the year 2020/21, as set out in the report, now presented, be approved.
