Agenda and minutes

LEP - Growth Deal Management Board - Wednesday, 8th July, 2015 1.00 pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.

Venue: E17 - County Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ

Contact: Mike Neville  Tel: 01772 533431 Email:

No. Item

Mr M Kelly – Director of Economic Development, LCC.

Mrs B Joyce - Head of Strategic Development, LCC.

Mr A Swain - Media Manager, LCC.

Mr R Hothersall - Head of Service, Programme Office, LCC.

Mrs A Moore - Programme Manager, Programme Office, LCC.

Miss.J Ainsworth - Subject Matter Expert/Specialist Adviser Finance, Programme Office, LCC.

Mrs J Johnson - Subject Matter Expert/Specialist Adviser Finance, Programme Office, LCC.

Mr D Colbert - Subject Matter Expert/Specialist Adviser Transportation, Programme Office, LCC.

Ms N Adams – Project Manager, Programme Office, LCC.

Mr M Neville, Company Services Officer, Democratic Services, LCC.


Appointment of Chair.

The Committee is asked to note that in accordance with the Terms of Reference Mr G Cowley (Director of the LEP Board and a member of the LEP's Performance Committee) has been appointed as the Chair.


Resolved: That the previous appointment by the LEP Board of Mr G Cowley as the Chair of the Committee is noted.


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited those present to introduce themselves. Apologies were received from Dr Lawty-Jones and Mr G Smith.


Declarations of Interest


Professor Walsh, Mr Cavill and Ms Whittaker all declared interests as they represented organisations that were involved in making applications for Growth Deal Funding. The Chair recognised that given the nature of the Committee it was likely that there would be conflicts in the future when specific applications were determined and that members would need to be alert to the need to declare interests and if appropriate exclude themselves from the meeting.


Contextual Update.

Oral report.


Mrs Joyce briefly outlined the background to the Growth Deal and informed the meeting that the total Funding exceeded £200M.


The Growth Deal Management Board had been established as part of the LEP Assurance Framework as a formal Committee of the LEP with primary responsibility to ensure the implementation of the Growth Deal and to make strategic recommendations to the LEP Board where appropriate.


Resolved: That the report is noted.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair presented a report in relation to Terms of Reference for the Committee, potential appointment of a Deputy Chair and proposed framework for future meetings.


A copy of the Terms of Reference is set out in the Minute Book. Whilst acknowledging that there was merit in having a Deputy Chair the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the appointment to a future meeting. With regard to a programme of meetings the Committee agreed that members be consulted outside of the meeting in order to identify specific dates within the proposed framework set out in the report.




1.  That the Terms of Reference are noted.


2.  That the appointment of a Deputy Chair be deferred to a future meeting.


3.  That the framework for future meetings, as set out below, is agreed with specific dates to be identified following consultation with members of the Committee.


Week commencing  7th September 2015
19th October 2015
7th December 2015
18th January 2016
7th March 2016
11th April 2016
6th June 2016



Financial Issues.

Report to following regarding the financial profile for 2015/16.


Miss Ainsworth informed the meeting that the Growth Deal Programme comprised 30 projects and the Programme Office had been in contact with all project sponsors to clarify/confirm that the funding profile was still within the expectations of the project. It was reported that to date 19 responses had been received with replies outstanding from the remaining 11 sponsors. With regard to the outstanding responses it was suggested that sponsors be contacted and encouraged to respond.


It was also reported that a claim associated with one application was currently being validated and would require approval by the Committee before the next meeting.




1.  That the programme Office contact the 11 project sponsors who had not yet responded in order to clarify/confirm that the funding profile was still within the expectations of the projects.


2.  That arrangements be made for an additional meeting of the Committee in August to discuss the financial profile and agree a way forward regarding all Growth Deal Fund projects.


3.  That an update in relation to the financial profile is presented to all future meetings.


Growth Deal Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Group.

Oral report to include the following

·  Feedback from the Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Group Workshop (6th July 2015)

·  Consideration and approval of Monitoring and Evaluation invitation to Tender.

·  The Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Group Terms of Reference.


Mr Hothersall circulated a paper at the meeting regarding the above, a copy of which is set out in the Minute Book.


It was reported that the Sub Group's primary responsibility was to ensure the implementation of the Growth Deal Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and provide updates to the Committee regarding programme/project activity whilst supporting the Committee with implementation of the Growth Deal programme.


The Committee noted that a consultant was to be engaged to provide specialist knowledge in delivering the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Whilst it was acknowledged that the exact reporting requirements were undefined it was considered that the draft Invitation to Tender prepared and reviewed by the Sub Group was comprehensive enough at this stage and, together with the Grant Funding Agreements, would contain sufficient flexibility for the data collected to be amended in the future as necessary. It was noted that, if approved, procurement of the tender would be managed by the County Councils Procurement Service.


The proposed Change Notice process was discussed and it was noted that initially the Sub Group would assess any requests for a material change and, if appropriate, approve them. In the event that issues were identified the matter would be referred to the Growth Deal Management Board for further consideration and approval with a further referral to the LEP Board if the Committee was unable to resolve the matter.




1.  That the Terms of Reference of the Growth Deal Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Group, as set out in the report circulated at the meeting, is approved.


2.  That the Growth Deal Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Invitation to Tender, as prepared and reviewed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Sub Group, is approved.


3.  That the Change Notice process, as outlined in the report presented, is approved with any referral to the LEP Board regarding unresolved issues to be agreed either by the Board or by a written resolution signed by a majority of members of the Committee.


4.  That the Committee receive regular updates regarding any decisions made by the Sub Group in relation to the Change Notice process.


Central Government Growth Deal reporting requirements. pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


Ms Moore presented a report outlining the Government reporting requirements for monthly and quarterly meetings in relation to the Growth Deal Fund. It was noted that metric reporting would be undertaken via the LOGASnet management information system with the first quarterly report expected in September 2015.


The Committee also noted that whilst a full quarter one return had not been required a return covering various aspects had been submitted to the Department of Business Innovation and Skills ahead of the 30th June 2015 deadline.


Resolved: That the report is noted.


Communications and Marketing.

Oral report.


Mr Swain, the County Council's Media Manager, reported that in accordance with the Communications Protocol it was for partner organisations to take the lead on communications relating to specific projects while the County Council's Communications Service would focus on publicity regarding the LEP and cobranding of projects. To date Growth Deal projects involving UCLAN, Rosegrove Railway Station and improvements to Fishergate had all generated coverage in the media.


Greater use of advance communications to explain the reasoning behind the project and highlight any proposed major works was discussed and it was suggested that such an approach would be beneficial in addressing any subsequent negative publicity which may arise, particularly in relation to large highway schemes.


It was suggested that individual project sponsors should be asked to provide regular updates on progress which would be used to inform future communication activity and produce quarterly reports to the Committee. It was also suggested that all projects would be asked to provide a communications plan as part of the business case approval process.  For those projects already approved, a communications plan would be required prior to the LGF agreement being signed and executed.




1.  That the Media Manager contact all Growth Deal project leads to remind them of the contents of the Communications Protocol and request updates on all projects.


2.  That project leads be required to provide a communications plan, including contact details, which will contribute to an overarching Growth Deal Communications Plan which will develop as the project moves forward.


Reporting to Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Board.

The Committee is asked to 


·  Identify and agree any recommendations for consideration and approval by the LEP Board.

·  Identify and agree any issues for inclusion in the feedback report for the LEP Board.



It was reported that future agenda would include a standing item for the Committee to agree any recommendations for consideration/approval by the LEP Board and identify any issues which need to be included in the feedback report to the LEP Board.


Resolved: That the report is noted.


Date of Next Meeting

Subject to the approval of the proposed programme of meetings for 2015/16 referred to in item 4 on the agenda arrangements will be made for the next meeting of the Committee to be held during the week commencing 7th September 2015.


It was noted that in accordance with decisions made earlier in the meeting in relation to the framework for meetings arrangements would be made for the Committee to meet in August followed by a meeting during the week commencing 7th September 2015.


Growth Deal Implementation.


Note - this item is not for publication – exempt information as defined in paragraph 41 (Information provided in confidence relating to contracts) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It was considered that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


The Committee received an update in relation to Local Growth Fund Agreements and the future development, maintenance and updating of the Growth Deal implementation Plan.


When considering the report the Committee noted that all Local Growth Fund Agreements would be drafted around the same key principles and in future reports summarising the nature of specific Funding Agreements would be presented to the Committee for consideration.


The Funding Agreement in relation to Project GF01-12-S was discussed and recommended for approval. It was noted that a number of other Agreements were in development and where possible would be brought to the Committee. However, in order to avoid any unnecessary delay it was suggested that where appropriate the approval of such Agreements be considered by written resolution outside of the scheduled meetings.


It was agreed that in future the Committee would receive an update on all Funding Agreements as a standing item on the agenda. A proposed revised format for the Growth Deal Implementation Plan was also discussed and it was agreed that the format outlined in the report would provide the Committee with the necessary information in relation to projects and milestones.




1.  That future agenda include an update on all Funding Agreements as a standing item.


2.  That the Funding Agreement in relation to Project GF01-12-S is approved in line with the Officer recommendation.


3.  That where appropriate approval of the Local Growth Fund Agreements which are currently in development is sought by written resolution signed by the majority of members of the Committee.


4.  That the revised format for the Growth Deal Implementation Plan, as outlined in the report presented, is approved.