Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.
Venue: Savoy Suite 1 - The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ. View directions
Contact: Samantha Gorton
No. | Item |
Icebreaker Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council)/CLF (Care Leavers Forum) Minutes: Young people from Lancashire's Children in Care Council (LINX) and Care Leavers Forum (CLF) opened the meeting with an icebreaker.
Introductions and Apologies County Councillor Clarke
To note who is attending and any apologies for absence. Minutes: In the absence of the Chair, the Deputy Chair, County Councillor Loraine Cox conducted the meeting.
All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were received from County Councillors Clarke, Gibson and Kay, Andy Smith, Brendan Lee, Gina Power, Louise Humphreys, Maureen Huddleston, Caroline Waldron, Sharon Hilton, Jenny Ryder and Bev Maymond.
The Board noted that Jen Robertshaw, Interim Head of Permanence Service had replaced Brendan Lee, however he would remain on the Board as Interim Head of Family Safeguarding Service, as Mandy Williams had left the Authority. Thanks was noted to Brendan for his continued support to the Board and the support he had given as Lead Officer in his role as Head of Permanence Service.
There was one replacement for the meeting:
Heidi Fliegauf for Amanda Barbour, Fostering, Adoption Lancashire Blackpool and Residential Services, Lancashire County Council.
An extended welcome was given to invited guests as follows:
· Rachel Rump – Skills, Learning and Development, Lancashire County Council · Vanessa Carthy - Skills, Learning and Development, Lancashire County Council · Dr Michele Lawty-Jones, Skills and Employment Partnership, Lancashire County Council · Lesley Rae – Lancashire Volunteer Partnership, Lancashire County Council · Charlotte Iddon – Education Improvement, Lancashire County Council · Zoe Emmett – Education Improvement, Lancashire County Council
Notes of the Meeting and Matters Arising from 22 November 2023 County Councillor Clarke
To agree for accuracy the notes of the meeting and receive any matters arising. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Participation Team Update Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council)/Care Leavers Forum (CLF)
To receive an update on what the Participation Team have been doing with LINX since the last Board meeting, including sharing details about the new participation information membership booklet that is being developed. Minutes: Young people from Lancashire's Children in Care Council (LINX) and the Care Leavers Forum (CLF) informed the Board that they were looking at a new approach to sharing information about the forums with all care experienced children and young people in Lancashire. The process will mean that everyone gets a choice about how they are involved in either the Care Leaver Forum (CLF) or the Children in Care Council (LINX). This will be a process that any key adult can introduce to a child or young person, and it will be reviewed at every Child Looked After (CLA) or Pathway Plan review so the child or young person can choose one of these options (or a combination of them).
The first option is a Group member and with this option, the child or young person will attend the groups in person, where they would meet staff, other members and become actively involved in the week-to-week running of the groups and would hopefully want to stay and attend regularly.
The second option is a Holiday member, which is when holiday activities are available. It is the case that different children and young people attend those sessions, who cannot commit to coming to the regular groups. These children and young people would receive invites to holiday activities, trips and events.
Digital members would be contacted using different methods like email or messaging to share their views without ever needing to attend an activity in person. Information can be shared with them using their phone number or email address and they can keep also keep in touch with forums.
Finally, a child or young person may choose to opt out, however, it is hoped that they would choose the other options, however, it is also respected that children and young people may not want to be part of the forums in any way. This will be reviewed regularly, and a child or young person can change their mind in between reviews if they wish.
The Board were asked to discuss this approach on their tables and to look at naming the process. Members fed back thoughts on the different options available to children and young people regarding membership of Lancashire's Children in Care Forum (LINX) and the Care Leaver Forum (CLF). Generally, feedback was positive about the flexibility and choice that the process offers and comments will be incorporated into the process as it is developed. An update will be brought back to the Board later in the year as it is finalised and rolled-out.
Resolved: That the Board noted the young people's update and welcomed a future update on the process of sharing information about the forums with all care experienced children and young people in Lancashire |
Care Leaver Covenant/Education, Employment and Training (90 mins) Andreas Feldhaar, Permanence Service
Workshop activity to discuss the Care Leaver Covenant and asks to different Services/Partners and how this links with education, employment and training and how it will be taken forwards.
Minutes: Andreas Feldhaar, Permanence Service, Lancashire County Council led the Board through a workshop activity to discuss the Care Leaver Covenant and to develop a plan to take this forward. The young people are working on a presentation to the Extended Senior Leadership Team at the Council in March 2024 to promote the Whole Council Approach and to discuss what the Council can offer to their young people. Education, Employment and Training is a key part of the whole Council approach and there is also a Police Charter being developed, which is being led by the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.
Members were asked to discuss and develop a clear plan of how the Corporate Parenting Board will promote Education, Employment and Training Opportunities under the Care Leaver Covenant in Lancashire. In order to develop the plan, groups were briefed on the following and asked to discuss:
Three focus areas/groups:
· What can Lancashire County Council and District Councils offer? · What can Policy Partners and Businesses offer? · What pre-employability and career support can be offered?
Two parts for each focus area/group:
· What is the offer we want for our young people? · How to support young people to overcome barriers to access/succeed?
The plan will include the following:
· What offers do we want for our young people? · How do we achieve this and who should be involved/approached|? · How do we know we are making progress and have an impact (KPI)?
Following discussion, feedback was received, which would then be developed as a plan, which will be presented back at a future Board meeting. Feedback from the groups is attached to the minutes.
An issue was raised with regards to providing bus passes for Children in Care and Care Leavers and a request to discuss this at a future Board meeting.
Resolved: i) That the Board would receive a draft plan at a future meeting. ii) That consideration be given to a future agenda item around bus passes for Children in Care and Care Leavers.
Any Other Business County Councillor Clarke
To receive any other business.
Minutes: PROUD Event
The Board were reminded that the PROUD Event will be held on 29 February 2024 at Burnley Football Club which will celebrate the achievements of Lancashire's children in care and care leavers. There were over 220 nominations received from colleagues within Lancashire County Council, carers and outside partners. Shortlisting took place on 8 January 2024 and young people from Lancashire's Children in Care Council (LINX) and Care Leavers Forum (CLF) were also involved. Those shortlisted will be invited to attend the event where the winner of each category will be announced.
On the evening there is a free raffle for all young people shortlisted and the Board were asked if they had any connections who may wish to donate a raffle prize to email the PROUD inbox. Young people will also receive a goodie bag and again members were asked if they had any relevant information, promotional material that could be included to email
Date and Time of Next Meeting County Councillor Clarke
Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 6.00pm in Savoy Suite 1, The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ.
Minutes: Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 6.00pm in the Savoy Suite 1, The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ. |