Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Wednesday, 13th March, 2024 6.00 pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.

Venue: Savoy Suite 1 - The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ. View directions

Contact: Samantha Gorton 

No. Item



Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council/CLF (Care Leavers Forum)



Young people from Lancashire's Children in Care Council (LINX) and Care Leavers Forum (CLF) opened the meeting with an icebreaker.



Introductions and Apologies

County Councillor Clarke


To note who is attending and any apologies for absence.


All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were received from County Councillor Andrea Kay, Katy Hodkinson, Andy Smith, Moya McKinney, Brendan Lee, Louise Humphreys, Ripley Buswell, Alex Wood and Louise Anderson.


Clare Platt, Health Equity, Welfare and Partnerships joined the meeting via Teams.




Notes of the Meeting and Matters Arising from 10 January 2024 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

County Councillor Clarke


To agree for accuracy the notes of the meeting and receive any matters arising.


Resolved:  That the minutes were agreed as an accurate record.


There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Participation Team Update

Young people from LINX (Lancashire's Children in Care Council), April Pollitt and Adam Riley, Participation Team, Child and Family Wellbeing Service, LCC


To receive an update on what the Participation Team have been doing with LINX since the last Board meeting.


Young people from Lancashire's Children in Care Council (LINX) and the Care Leavers Forum (CLF) updated the Board on preparation for a meeting on 25 March 2024 with Lancashire County Council's Executive Leadership Team which would include Directors and Heads of Service from Growth, Environment and Transport, Education and Children Services, Adult Services, Health and Wellbeing and Resources and Communications.  The meeting is leading on from the whole Council's approach to The Care Leaver Covenant, will add to the value of the Local Offer, awareness raising, training and employment, policy partnership, the social value toolkit and economic development which all come together to increase the effectiveness in improving outcomes for care experienced children and young people.  The meeting will reiterate to all those present that the Council needs to accept the responsibility that everyone within it, employees and Councillors are a corporate parent, and this does not solely reside with Children's Services that lead on supporting care experienced children and young people.  Young people will also aim to reaffirm the belief that Lancashire County Council is the 'family firm' and that all care experienced  children and young people are treated with the same respect and values as anyone else when it comes to employment, training, independent living, policy, finances, health, safety and security.  Following the presentation at the session, time for tabletop discussions will follow, to see what new developments and changes can be looked at and put into place to continue to develop the Local Offer for care experienced children and young people across Lancashire.


During the meeting, young people will be outlining how they feel Lancashire County Council can support them whilst they are in the care of the Local Authority such as:


·  Travel - This represents a significant challenge for them in terms of moving around Lancashire for work, education or for socialising.  They are asking for assistance with transport, including bus passes and rail cards to enable more affordable travel.

·  Culture Cards/Leisure Facilities - Access to leisure facilities through a culture card which would be beneficial, along with designated days for outdoor education centre visits.

·  Increasing job opportunities, particularly within Lancashire County Council, for employment, apprenticeships and work experience which can lead to further career prospects.  Young people feel that mentorship is crucial during these placements.

·  Local Offer - Business Support is required for obtaining a provisional license or passport which is essential.  Simplifying the ID application process is necessary for ensuring valid identification.

·  Moving home - Having access to a fleet of vans for logistical support is essential.

·  Community services to be easily accessible, such as seeking help at local libraries in times of need.

·  Employment Support - Providing legal support for understanding documents and involving students to assist and share their experiences could be beneficial

·  Introductory Taster Days - Exploring opportunities for introductory days in digital services, marketing, HR and other fields can help individuals discover their career paths.

·  Training opportunities in catering services, social value promotion and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Adoption Service Report

Karen Barker, Fostering Adoption Lancashire Blackpool and Residential Services, Lancashire County Council


To receive the report.


Additional documents:


Karen Barker, Fostering, Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool, Residential Servicers, Lancashire County Council provided a condensed overview of the Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool Corporate Parenting Statement, highlighting key aspects and outcomes achieved during the reporting period of 1 April – 30 September 2023.


The Board noted that the commitment of Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool to both Lancashire County Council and Blackpool Councils Corporate Parenting Boards underscores the responsibility to every child who has a care plan of adoption in both Local Authorities as part the Councils responsibilities  to ensure the well-being and development of every child with a care plan of adoption. The statement focuses on Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool's adoption initiatives to achieve for as many children as possible permanency through adoption by securing loving and secure adoptive homes. Whilst ensuring that every effort has been made for those children who do not achieve an adoptive home.


Further details of the key achievements can be found in the report appended to the minutes.


The Board noted that five North West Regional Adoption Agencies were working together creatively to promote better outcomes for adopted children such as:


·  Matching – piloted child network meetings

·  Concurrency for 4-8 year olds – created new training, support groups and support materials for adopters caring for children under fostering regulations.

·  Commissioning of therapy for adoptive families – North West assessment of need being undertaken.

·  Adoption Support – improving relations with Child and Adult Mental Health Services, by promoting joint working.


The Board were informed that over the last six months, there has been a reduction in numbers of children waiting for an adoptive home.


Resolved:  That the Board noted the Adoption Lancashire and Blackpool six monthly report from April to September 2023.




Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board Health Strategy pdf icon PDF 439 KB

Kirsty Hamer, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB)


To receive the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board Children in Care and Care Leaver Health Strategy and information on the Our Voice, Emotional Health and Wellbeing Pilot for Children in Care and Care Leavers in East Lancashire.


Caroline Waldron, Children in Care and Care Leavers, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board presented the Children in Care and Care Leavers Health Strategy 2024-2026 that had been circulated to the Board prior to the meeting.


The Board were informed that NHS England references their response to the voice of children who live or have lived in care in the updated Safeguarding Accountability and Assurance Framework.  They also noted that the legislative term of 'looked after children' had been replaced with 'Children in Care (CiC)'.


The Integrated Care Boards as statutory partners have a duty to co-operate with Local Authorities for undertaking corporate parenting responsibilities.  As commissioners of health services, they should also ensure that appropriate arrangements and resources are in place to meet the physical and mental health needs of children in care.


The Board noted that in terms of the development of the strategy young people's voices were considered which included positive feedback also and are now included in the strategy.


The purpose of the strategy was as follows:


·  It is included in the Josh McAllister May 2022 care review, the recommendations for all Integrated Care Boards to publish their plans.

·  The strategy sets out delivery against Integrated Care Board statutory responsibilities and corporate parenting duties.

·  The vision statement:

Ø  "To ensure all children in care and care leavers will be afforded the opportunity to achieve positive health outcomes.  This will be facilitated by the effective commissioning and delivery of health services across the Integrated Care Board to reduce any unwarranted variation in service offer, scope of service and equity of access.  The Integrated Care Board has pledged to move to a Trauma Informed system, which will continue to build health commissioned services that will deliver trauma practice, with a skilled workforce who are knowledgeable around their individual roles and responsibilities as corporate parents".


It was outlined to the Board, the following next steps:


  Delivery Plan to provide assurance and drive the key outcomes and deliverables.

  Measures of success.

  Compliance with performance for the provision of timely and high-quality statutory health assessments for children in care.

  Integrated Care Board consultation and engagement model with our children in care and care leavers, to co-produce and inform health service delivery and commissioning of services.

  The strengths and difficulties questionnaire average score demonstrates good emotional health for our children in care.

  There is no unwarranted variation in access to health services and children placed away from their originating area are not disadvantaged.

  Compliance with all statutory health responsibilities reported via an ICB dashboard.

  Positive feedback from children and young people around their experiences and access to health services that we are getting it right and providing a trauma informed approach.

  Health professionals and key stakeholders provide positive feedback regarding the health services afforded to children in care and care leavers and their accessibility.

  External regulatory activity identifies good and outstanding practice which can be evidenced as having an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Our Voice, Emotional Health and Wellbeing Pilot

Sue Monighan and Lesley Hall, Child Action North West (CANW)


To receive information on the pilot for Children in Care and Care Leavers in Lancashire.



Kirsty Hamer, Children's Services, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Sue Monaghan, Emotional Health and Wellbeing Team, Child Action North West gave a presentation on the 'Our Voice' Therapeutic Support Pilot Scheme that was conducted in Pennine Lancashire.


In terms of  background there was a redesign of Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) a few years ago and as part of that, there were several workshops around the care of the most vulnerable children and young people which included children with special educational needs, children in the Youth Justice System and children in care.  As part of the workshop developments, regular feedback from practitioners was:


·  Lack of trauma support for children in care

·  Children in Care impacted by trauma do not necessarily meet the threshold for Child and Adult Mental Health Services

·  Waiting lists for psychological services – may not be the best support for Children in Care

·  Increase in placement breakdowns – anecdotal

·  Lack of "therapeutic placements" for Children in Care


There was a funding opportunity which had been received from the Third Sector for a 12 month pilot on a support model (based on feedback) for Children in Care that could include:


·  One to one therapy support

·  Support an earlier intervention to Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS)/psychology

·  Support whilst on a waiting list

·  Peer support/group work

·  Diversionary work to support Children in Care


The Board received further information on the development of the pilot and outcomes so far, such as:


·  Work of the Steering Group

·  Evidence based findings

·  Consultation with children and young people (both primary and secondary schools)

·  Mobilisation (76 young people are currently in the service receiving therapeutic support progressing to diversionary group activities and 1:1 sessions)

·  Data – referrals by age, gender and ethnicity

·  Challenges and solutions

·  Project support

·  Group and diversionary activities

·  Feedback from children and young people

·  Carer and referrer feedback

·  Evaluating the support

·  The impact

·  External evaluation

·  The future


Resolved:  That the Board noted the presentation on the Our Voice, Emotional Health and Wellbeing pilot.



Any Other Business

County Councillor Clarke


To receive any other business.



The Board were informed that £1,596 had been raised for schemes or projects for care leavers from the sale of Lancashire County Council merchandise and that it would continue to be sold in Reflections, County Hall, Preston.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

County Councillor Clarke


Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 6.00pm in Savoy Suite 1, The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ.



Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 6.00pm in Savoy Suite 1, The Exchange, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ.