Agenda item

Supervision and Support to Front-Line Social Workers


With the agreement of the Committee Item 7 was brought forward to be presented first to Members. The Chair welcomed Louise Taylor, Corporate Director for Operations and Delivery, to the meeting. A verbal update was presented on the supervision and support to front line social workers. This issue was originally discussed at the Audit and Governance Committee on 30 January. A report was also presented that identified progress made against the internal audit plan which highlighted an issue relating to service delivery. In relation to adult services only limited assurance could be determined and Members raised concerns around the information provided, particularly around case supervision and the lack of responses to the request for sample supervision documentation. Members were informed that the service recognised the issues outlined and the information given in the report had been highlighted to the Corporate Director for Operations and Delivery. It was confirmed that pilot projects were in place to support working practices and processes to address some of the issues highlighted.



Questions and comments by the Committee in relation to the report were as follows:


·  Supervision was important because it assures that the practice provided to the people of Lancashire was safe and effective. It also ensured that staff were adequately supported to do the job required.


·  The Committee was informed that In 2016 LCC had embarked on a redesign of Adult Social Care in partnership with Newton Europe.


·  The number of team managers had increased and no team manager would have more than 10 social workers accountable to them. This would ensure sufficient oversight and control of social work practice. Managers were expected to spend at least 2 hours on supervision with social workers at least 8 times a year.


·  Members were pleased to hear that weekly case progression meetings had been introduced, which meant teams sat down every week with their manager to discuss individuals currently being assessed or reviewed.


·  There was a principal social worker in place who did an annual health check with all social workers in the county to discuss what support and supervision they had received. The feedback was fairly positive.


·  Members were pleased that things had improved greatly since the initial audit had taken place. They also requested a report back to Scrutiny Committee at 6 monthly intervals.


·  Regarding the health check instigated by the principal social worker, staff did not have to give their names and it would be an honest appraisal of the feedback.


·  In coming up with a new structure financial sustainability was vital. Some savings plans had been foregone from Adult Social Care for support for front line social workers. The new model had been agreed. LCC was satisfied that this was a safer and fairer way of working for staff and managers.





1.  The Scrutiny Committee noted the update report


2.  A copy of the minutes be sent to Audit and Governance Committee.


  1. That the Corporate Director for Operations and Delivery be requested to attend the Scrutiny Committee to provide an update on the issues highlighted in the audit relating to case management in Adult Services.