Agenda item

Better Care Fund (BCF)

To receive the evaluation of the current BCF Schemes, agree the proposals for the 2017/19 BCF Plan and note the Q1 update.


Paul Robinson, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit, informed the HWBB of the development of the Lancashire Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan for 2017/18/19 and sought the Board’s approval of the plan.


It is a two year plan covering 2017/18 and 2018/19 with some ability to review late in the first year.  It covers three elements of funding - the core BCF, the new iBCF and the Disabled Facilities Grants monies.


The Lancashire BCF Plan is built upon a high level of involvement of a wide range of partners, and in particular health and social care.  The plan again sees the growing influence and engagement with the Voluntary Sector and District Councils.


It has used approaches to support decision making that have required detailed analyses of 2016/17 BCF schemes and the potential of new areas of spend. Its spending plans reflect the decisions to retain the existing BCF schemes and to use the iBCF schemes to innovate, plug gaps and build upon existing success.


A key requirement within the BCF plan is to demonstrate the action to be taken to address the priority of reducing Delayed Transfers of Care.  The plan describes how the BCF will act as an enabler within a wider system approach that will be led by the A&E delivery boards and coordinated through the Lancashire and South Cumbria Urgent Care Network.


The HWBB felt there was a need for better understanding and a flexible approach to what does and does not work.


There is a requirement to track and monitor benefits and outcomes.  Hospitals are signing off the LDP Winter Plans.  There is a need for clear metrics on a Lancashire footprint.  Karen Partington, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust, agreed to share work around this with Paul.


There is a need to align and learn quickly and be really clear on measured outcomes going forward.  Guidance that will come through later in the year will encourage better alignment across boundaries.


Resolved:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to:


i)  Endorse the approach taken in developing the Lancashire Better Care Fund plan 2017/18/19.

ii)  Approve the Lancashire Better Care Fund Plan 2017/18/19 and its submission to NHS England.

iii)  Agree a BCF reporting schedule to the board based upon that required by NHS England.

iv)  Request the BCF Steering Group strengthens performance management and evaluation of the schemes, so that their effectiveness is more clearly understood; and opportunities to move resources within and between schemes are identified, prior to any changes being agreed by the Board.

v)  Request the BCF Steering Group strengthen the risk and benefit sharing arrangements between the County Council and the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) under the Section 75 pooled budget arrangements.


Supporting documents: