Agenda item

Life Expectancy and Health in All Policies


The Chair welcomed Aidan Kirkpatrick, Public Health Consultant; and Andrea Smith, Public Health Specialist, to the meeting.


The report presented outlined the most up to date estimated position on life expectancy and healthy life expectancy across Lancashire's districts and in particular its impact at ward level. Between 2005-2007 and 2014-2016 male and female life expectancy in the twelve districts had increased in line with the national trend. Across Lancashire the rate of these increases appeared to be slowing down and there was variation in life expectancy between the wards in the districts.


The report provided an overview of current activity at a Lancashire population level and at district level and how elected member engagement would further support this approach.


There were more specific areas that Public Health and Wellbeing Team was developing to embed Health in All Policies and improve the wider determinants including policies on housing, employment, planning and licensing, transport, and advocating for national healthy public policies. These included areas where elected members could provide influence at a district level to embed locally and work to remove barriers. The team was actively engaging people at the highest strategic level to influence plans. The team was also working with local planners at district level.


The Committee was informed that a wide range of factors affected life expectancy. There was no scientific breakdown that would give analysis at a localised level. There was always a variation year to year statistically in life expectancy. Members were therefore advised that it was best to look over a two to three year period to see what the impact of environmental factors had on life expectancy.


On current Lancashire and South Cumbria (STP) Level activity, whilst members supported the action to improve health inequalities and population health measures across Lancashire as set out at points (a) – (f) in the report; it was proposed and seconded that the reference to Integrated Care Partnerships be removed from point a). The amendment was put to the vote and was lost.


In considering points a) to f) further it was felt that an additional point (g) should be included: 'Expect the work of Health Inequalities to focus on wards with the lowest life expectancy.'


On the priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Committee was informed that there were a range of priorities which formed part of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Members requested a copy of the Strategy.


In considering the report it was felt that further advice be sought from Public Health Specialist on how a Health in All Policies approach can be effectively embedded on spatial planning and the economic determinant. Whereupon it was;


Resolved: That;


1.  The report be noted;

2.  Further advice be sought from the Public Health Specialist on how Health in All Policies can be effectively embedded on spatial planning and the economic determinant; and

3.  The Committee supports the action to improve health inequalities and population health measures across Lancashire as set out in points (a) to (f) as set out on page 43 of the agenda and to include a further point – point (g) "To focus on those wards where need is greatest"





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