Agenda item

Plotting the road to recovery - Post COVID-19 priorities for the AONB


Elliott Lorimer, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Manager, Lancashire County Council gave a presentation on "Plotting the Road to Recovery".


Elliott detailed to the Committee, what had changed:


·  Public awareness and the desire to take action locally on climate change and biodiversity emergencies which are becoming more evident and the AONB will be focusing on this area of work.

·  COVID-19 has brought to the fore the importance of health and wellbeing and access to the outdoors and delivering projects online.

·  Nationally and locally, communities, economies and public services have been severely impacted by COVID-19 and support have been given to those businesses.


The Committee noted that the Agriculture Bill and the Environment Bill are being passed through Government and will have a significant effect on how the AONBs are managed and the environmental regulation is delivered as the years progress.


The strategic context is as follows and is likely to have a significant effect on the AONB in the short and long term:


·  AONB Management Plan 2019-2024.

·  The Landscapes (Glover) Review Report.

·  Nature Recovery Network.

·  The Government's 25 year Environment Plan.

·  Environment Bill.

·  Agriculture Bill.

·  Planning White Paper and 'Project Speed'.

·  Green Recovery.


The Committee were informed that the future priorities for the AONB were detailed as follows:


·  Nature recovery at a landscape-scale:


Ø  AONB Nature Recovery Plan.

Ø  Peatland habitat restoration.

Ø  Species-rich grassland habitat restoration and enhancement.

Ø  Woodland regeneration creation and management.

Ø  Riparian (or river) habitat restoration, including wetland creation.

Ø  Making space in the landscape for natural processes to take the lead.

Ø  National and local species recovery plans.

Ø  Species re-introductions.


·  A green recovery for communities and the local economy.:


Ø  Advice and support for land management sector as agricultural support moves to the "public money for public goods" Environmental Land Management System.

Ø  Support and promotion for local visitor economy via the Bowland Sustainable Tourism Network and 'Discover Bowland' website.

Ø  Apprenticeships and job creation, particularly within environmental, land management, heritage and creative sectors.

Ø  Volunteering opportunities to work in the AONB via Countryside Services, Friends Groups, Rivers Trusts and Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership.

Ø  Collaborative working with Champion Bowland CIO to raise funds to support community-based projects.

Ø  Managing sustainable (and low carbon?) growth within designated landscape.

Ø  Landscape-sensitive super/hyper fast broadband and mobile.


·  Landscapes for everyone:


Ø  Outdoor learning for children, young people and families.

Ø  Widening access to nature and landscape to a more diverse range of people.

Ø  Improving people's health and wellbeing through engagement with nature and the landscape.

Ø  Online face-to-face events activities and training.


Both local and national partnerships offer opportunities to secure resources and support for delivery of the AONB Management Plan.


At a national level:


·  National Association for AONBs and National Parks England.

·  Northern Upland Chain Local Nature Partnership.

·  'Great North Bog'.

·  'Magnificent Meadows'.




At a local level:


·  Champion Bowland.

·  Farmer and land management groups.

·  Local Authorities.

·  River Catchment Partnerships (Rivers Trusts).

·  The Wildlife Trusts.

·  Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.

·  RSPB.


The following were how delivery of the AONB Management Plan could be resourced:


·  Defra AONB Grant Settlement 2021/22 and future CSR.

·  Nature for Climate Fund.

·  Nature Recovery Fund.

·  Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund.

·  United Utilities AMP7.

·  Private sector investment in 'natural capital'.

·  Environmental Land Management System.

·  National Lottery Heritage Fund.

·  Shared Prosperity Funds.

·  Charitable Trusts.


The next steps are:


·  AONB Unit Delivery Plans.

·  Liaise with AONB Partners re: future plans and priorities.

·  Bring revised AONB Partnership Fund Raising Strategy to the Committee in April 2021.


The Committee were asked to send any comments, ideas, thoughts following the presentation to Elliott Lorimer, email 


A request was made that Elliott Lorimer speak outside the meeting with Alison Boden, Wyre Council and Matthew Upton, United Utilities on the plans for the future and continuing to work in partnership.


Resolved:  i)  That the revised AONB Partnership Fund Raising Strategy be     provided to the Committee in April 2021.

ii)  That the Committee noted the update.