Agenda item

Programmes Update Report


Anne-Marie Parkinson, LEP Programme Manager, presented a report which provided the Board with a high level update for each of the LEP programmes including Boost, City Deal, Enterprise Zones, Getting Building Fund, Growing Places, Growth Deal, Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and Social Value.


It was noted that a review of each of the programmes was currently being undertaken to baseline each programme and establish where it started at, where it was up to and where it hoped to end. Support was being provided from each programme lead and sub-committee chair. The findings would be reported at a future meeting of the LEP board.


The inward investment activity report at Appendix J was a new report to the board and feedback on the update was welcome.


Regarding Social Value, there was some useful updates on this, it was now possible to show how Social Value was being created, not just how it was being captured. 


Tony Attard raised concerns about the 19,000 homes that were being built across Lancashire is regard to local flooding issues and surface water. It was confirmed that SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) would be used and this ensured that the runoff would not be greater than before the development was in place. The county council was the lead flood authority and they would be dealing with this.


It was highlighted that the amount of money against the inward investment projects was a truly significant amount and it was questioned whether the figures were accurate. It was confirmed the figures were correct, however Anne-Marie Parkinson would check these again. Regarding marketing these success stories, over the next year there would be a greater focus on communication and marketing.


Resolved:  The Board noted the contents of the report. 


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