Agenda item

West Lancashire Borough: application number LCC/2021/0045 Retrospective change of use of haulage yard to waste recycling (skips) on land at 410 Southport Road, Scarisbrick


A report was presented on an application for the retrospective change of use of haulage yard to waste recycling (skips) on land at 410 Southport Road, Scarisbrick. The Chair reminded Committee that a note was being prepared by Officers on retrospective applications.


The application had been made under section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which provided for applications for the granting of planning permission for development that had already been carried out.


The report included the views of the Environment Agency and LCC Highways Development Control and details of an objection from Scarisbrick Parish Council. No observations had been received from West Lancashire Borough Council at the time of writing the report. 29 representations had been received comprising of 23 in support of the application and 6 objections, the details of which were provided in the report.


The Development Management Officer presented a Powerpoint presentation showing a location plan of the application site, aerial view of the site and nearest residential properties, diagram of the site layout and photographs of the site entrance, sorting and storage area, containers for the waste and views of the site from surrounding areas.


The Officer drew attention to the Update Sheet which provided details of a further representation received from a local resident and the two additional conditions proposed in view of the concerns raised regarding waste water issues and drainage at the site.


The Committee were informed that an objection had been received shortly before the meeting from the Environmental Protection and Community Safety Manager at West Lancashire Borough Council, the details of which were circulated to Members. It was reported to Committee that the issues raised had been covered in the report.


County Councillor Pope proposed that the application be deferred pending further investigation by West Lancashire Borough Council's Planning Department.


County Councillor Kay expressed concern about the waste water issues and proposed that the application be deferred and a site visit be arranged.


County Councillor Yates expressed concern that the application site was located within the Green Belt. Members were advised by officers that the current application was seeking planning permission for a change of use of the land and that the wider site already benefitted from a planning permission for industrial use of this site within the Green Belt. Further details on the Green Belt issues had been provided in the report. County Councillor Yates asked for West Lancashire Borough Council to check their local plan and provide details on why planning permission was already in place for the site to be on Green Belt land.


County Councillor Potter pointed out that this was already an industrial site. He considered that the conditions applied to the planning permission were satisfactory and proposed that the application be approved.


County Councillor Clarke expressed concern about rubble from the site vehicles being transferred onto the main road.  Committee were informed that conditions had been put in place to mitigate this.


County Councillor Dad seconded County Councillor Potter's proposal but expressed concerned that the application was retrospective.


Following a discussion, it was Moved and Seconded that:


  "The application be deferred and a site visit be arranged."


Upon being put to the vote, the Motion was Lost.


Following further discussion, it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The application be deferred pending further investigation by West Lancashire Borough Council."


Upon being put to the vote, the Motion was Carried.


Resolved: That the application be deferred, pending further investigation by West Lancashire Borough Council.


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