Agenda item

Better Care Fund

To confirm the Chairs approval, given under delegated powers, to the Lancashire Better Care Plan for 2021/22.


Paul Robinson, Senior Programme Manager, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit presented the report on the Lancashire Better Care Fund Pan 2021/2022 to the Board.  The report provides a high-level view of the plan and further details, and background are available in the appendices attached to the agenda.


The Better Care Fund (BCF) programme began in 2015 and Lancashire has had in place Better Care Fund (BCF) plans since, based upon a clear governance structure and planning process. The Health and Wellbeing Board has received regular updates and engaged, in its role as the Better Care Fund (BCF) accountable body.


The Board noted that the process had been changed over the last two years during the pandemic, as resources needed to be refocussed and the Better Care Fund (BCF) had continued but in a more discreet manner.  It had provided some basis for accelerated collaborative working and services funded through it had been at the core of supporting NHS and social care systems to respond to the pandemic.  Such was the position in 2020/21 that no Better Care Fund (BCF) plans were produced nationally in year, however, activity reflected end of year reporting.


In 2021/22 planning had been delayed, however, through partner collaboration, the plan has been produced and presented to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board previously and was being presented to the Board for full consideration. This had allowed consolidation and clarity that would support the Better Care Fund (BCF) going forward and on a much wider scale the delivery of the Intermediate Care Programme for which it is an enabler.


The Board was informed that in order to enable the completion of the national assurance process, the Chair of the Board had approved the plan having consulted Board members through email and received no comments to the contrary.


The report provides a high-level view of the plan. Detail and background are available in the appended briefing and background papers.


The 2021/22 Better Care Fund (BCF) Policy Framework indicated that the Better Care Fund (BCF) would continue into 2022/23 and this was further confirmed in the NHS 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance and in the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement. No further detail is currently available.


Following the presentation, the following issues/points were raised:


A query was raised as to how Lancashire had performed after spending £166.48 million of the Better Care Funding for 2021/2022.  It was reported that it had been a well-directed spend across the system and that the system has worked better with barriers being broken down and due to this, should be able to demonstrate success, although further analysis is required.


Paul Robinson informed the Board that guidance for the end of year report had  not been received yet.


It was felt that the voluntary sector should continue to be fully engaged.


The Board also noted that the plan had undergone national assurance.


Resolved:  The Health and Wellbeing Board:


i)  Confirmed the Chair of Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board's approval, given under delegated powers, to the Lancashire Better Care Plan for 2021/22.

ii)  Would receive, at a future meeting, the 2021/22 Better Care Fund year-end report when produced.

iii)  Would receive further updates on Better Care Fund activity and development into 2022/23.


Supporting documents: